Six years ago, I met my little girl for the first time (June 5). We had known for 4 months that she would be joining us and that her birth mom would allow me to watch her being born. This amazed me. We were so excited just to have a new baby that we weren't expecting the opportunity to witness her entrance into the world. I was so grateful that Kamryn's birth mom wanted me to experience the whole pregnancy thing. Honestly, I don't expect this to happen again, but at least I had this one chance.
It was early in the morning when we received a phone call from the hospital letting us know that Kamryn's birth mom was in labor. I knew the second the phone rang that our baby was coming. I jumped out of bed and started jumping up and down. Jeff answered and I think he was still sleepy because it didn't really register until he hung up and then he went into "calm wife down" mode since I was in a panic getting ready to leave. I actually think we were in our car on the road for the 3 1/2 hour drive in 10 minutes. It was the longest drive I have ever taken. To say the least, I was excited.
When we arrived at the hospital we checked on Kamryn's birth mom who was sleeping. She looked peaceful thanks to an epidural and we didn't want to disrupt her rest so we just waited in the waiting room. Again, time is going really slow right now. She wasn't dilated very far yet, so we were in for a long day. Around noon, we got a hotel room and showered as fast as possible and went back to the hospital. Finally around 5 o'clock she dilated to an 8, but after a few minutes she asked for a nurse to check her and she was fully dilated and ready to push. We got into position. Jeff stood behind a curtain with another of the birth mom's guy friends.
I didn't really realize that I'd be that up close and personal while my baby was being born, I just thought I'd be in the room. However, I was there for the birth mom, holding her legs and counting. And, as odd as this sounds to some of you, it was really easy, comfortable and natural. I really saw my little girl enter the world, crying, bright pink with a load of dark hair.
The incredible, overwhelming feeling of love, and gratitude was indescribable as I held her little hand for the first time. She was still wailing and uncomfortable as the nurses checked her over.
Two parts of Kamryn's stay at the hospital are etched in my mind forever. The first was when I was able to feed her for the first time. Jeff was with me now. We were all in the same room. I just remember getting to know Kamryn and peering into her brown eyes and she into mine and getting that feeling that we've known each other forever. Wondering what she would tell me if she could. I felt such a connection with her that I seriously wonder how I lived my life without her in it for so long. Then I looked up to see S (Kamryn's birth mom) and her mother crying and comforting each other. At this moment, I had no idea what to do. My heart broke and I just started to cry. I have no idea why our baby had to come the route she did. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone. So, there we all sat...crying. This young girl who had become my friend gave me the most precious gift ever and all I could do was cry. It was a bittersweet moment.
Part II Day Two
We had a lot of family visiting our newborn and S was recovering, so we were given a separate room. Every once in a while S would ask to see Kamryn. We understood. I am sure she was telling her just how much she loved her, because she did and still does. My family left and Jeff's family arrived this second day and we spent all morning together...bonding. Around noon a nurse came to get Kamryn for a visit with S. We took this opportunity to go out to lunch with Jeff's family. When we returned, we just waited for Kamryn to come back to our room. Five hours later and still no Kamryn. Jeff's family needed to leave, so we went to S's room and asked how she was doing. She stated that Kamryn's birth father had come to see her and that he was trying to talk her out of placing her for adoption. When we heard this, both of our hearts nearly exploded. We asked S how she felt and you could tell she was confused. We took Kamryn back to see family and by this time I couldn't hold it in any longer. I excused myself as everyone started loving on Kamryn again. Eventually, Jeff found me crying in the bathroom, brought me back to the room and handed me Kamryn. Family just stood around watching me hold my sweet little baby. Their was no dry eye in the room. We held a family prayer and it was such an emotional prayer. I've never seen Jeff so emotional before. It was the sweetest prayer I've ever heard and we all felt calm. After family left, Jeff and I had an overwhelming feeling to just go and talk with S. We did and she stated to us again that after much thought, she still knew that Kamryn was meant to be with us.
I apologize for this long post. But, since it is Kamryn's birthday, I feel it necessary to praise Kamryn's birth mom who placed her with us. She is amazing and we love her so much. We will be forever grateful for you!
Birthday Girl pictures coming soon!