First, we attended a family reunion located near Clayton, Idaho.
They had an in-ground waterslide that Kamryn loved.

London was a little apprehensive and Jeff had to basically put her on the water slide.

And she hated every slow second of it!

She did warm up to it later and ended up going several times.

A cousin of mine is going to beauty school and she put some hair tinsel in the girls hair. They looked so cute, the picture doesn't do it justice!

For our second family reunion, we went camping by Lava. We had a great time making some fun memories.
I am not sure what these are called, but they sure were yummy. Slice a banana and add toppings ie: chocolate chips, marshmellows, pecans, brown sugar and so on. Then wrap in tin foil and roast over the fire.

One challange we faced was that we couldn't put Sullivan down on the ground to crawl because he'd eat the rocks. I tried laying a blanket down, but he just crawled to the edge.

Happy Camper!

We toured Chesterfield, Idaho which is an old pioneer town founded in 1880.

Some of the adults got to float the river in tubes. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to go, but ultimately decided not to do it because A. Doing activities that don't support my neck can be dangerous and painful and B. I can't breathe walking. So, I stayed behind and helped watch the kids play on a playground that was too hot to play on. The kids mostly hung out in the shade.
Sometimes I feel like I hold my husband back. When first talking about floating the river, Jeff's first reaction was "well, what about Jen?" He knew I probably wouldn't be able to go and felt bad about that and was even willing to stay behind with me. Of course I wouldn't allow that! I was just grateful that he was able to enjoy this and not be held back by my physical limitations as he normally is. I'm so lucky and blessed to have him and don't ever think that a day goes by that I don't realize this!
Here they are right before the rapids.

And, they came back drenched! Jeff had so much fun and commented on how he wished the time wasn't up so that he could go again. I definitely think this will be something he will try again soon!

The kids were so patient waiting for the adults to have fun river rafting that we treated them to the pool at Lava Hot Springs. Jeff and his brother and sister tested out the water slides to see if Kamryn would be able to go on them. During this time, I was keeping an eye on the kids in a very crowded pool. Kamryn wandered all over the place (she's good in the water, but can't "swim" just yet) and I had the most trying time seeing her and Sullivan decided he was going to be cranky. Eventually, I put Sullivan to sleep and Jeff FINALLY returned. I was slightly frustrated at this moment and yes I might have confused my husband who left his happy wife behind and returned to a not so happy wife, but it was all in the name of love for my children. I hate feeling like my children are not safe. Jeff understands that I can get stressed easily and he was such a sweetheart and made everything better, with the help of his sister Ashley. Jeff took Kamryn on the water slides quite a few times while Ashley played with London in the swimming pool. I still had to lounge outside of the pool while Sullivan slept, but still that was so much easier!

Jeff's Mom (and brother) had birthdays during the family reunion. Ashley brought along this pinata for the kids and Grandma to whack open.

Don't we look comfortable! We had the girls in their own sleeping bags on the ground and Sullivan in his car seat right beside our air mattress, though they all ended up in bed with us by dawn.