-Jeff and I spoke on the Sunday before Christmas. We basically were given a choice of what to speak on, but Jeff wanted me to share the Christmas story so that could lead into his talk. Of course, the week before that, a lady had just shared the Christmas story. I went ahead with it though, you can always learn something new from the same old story when it is told through someone else's perspective. I think our talks were awesome (said most humbly), we were definitely lead by the spirit as to what to say. And, when our talks were over, we felt we could relax and enjoy our Christmas break.
-Having most of our Christmas bought early or online. Made for nice relaxing weekends at home and not out fighting the crowds in the stores.
-Feeling so blessed, so grateful makes for one happy Mama. And, when Mom's happy, everyone is happy.
-Starting the new tradition of caroling to those that we drop neighbor gifts off to. I was nervous about it, but now that we have kids that can sing with us it made it so much easier. I can't tell you how exciting it was for us and the kids to have that door opened by one person and as our rendition of "We wish you a Merry Christmas" was heard, the rest of the family came running to the door to hear us and receive their gift.
-Jeff ran to Walmart early Christmas Eve and grabbed these cute pink wii remotes so that we could all play together. And, that's what we did for almost all of Christmas Eve.

-Cooking my family goodies...fudge, chewy sweet chex mix, gingersnaps, candy cane cookies, caramel, peanut brittle and much more that I can't even think of and wish not to think of at this moment.
-Christmas Eve we had a smorgasbord of snacks for dinner, twas easy.
-The one thing that I had saved and looked forward to eating on Christmas Eve was my favorite Famous Dave's Pickles. I'd been saving those since this summer and every time I saw them in the pantry staring at me, I drooled just a little bit. They are so yummy!

-We had some carolers on Christmas Eve.
-We read a couple of Christmas books and also Luke 2.
-Opened gifts to each other. The girls had been earning an allowance for chores to be used only on gifts for each other. Then we took them shopping the week before Christmas to pick out gifts for everyone in the family.
-Opened PJ's...I hate character clothes, but I'm okay with having character PJ's especially if they are super cheap!! So, yes, the pajamas aren't all that cute but the kids love them.
-Watched the Polar Express. This was the first time for Sullivan and to say he was engrossed in it/captivated by it is an understatement. The sweet part about this is when the train was on the cracking ice, Sullivan started crying because he was so worried about the "choo-choo." He's such a loving kid!
-Kids got so worn out from so much fun that they were ready for bed by 7:30.
-We put Sullivan to bed and then the girls were tasked with putting cookies and milk out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Santa ate everything and even left a note telling the kids how proud he was of them.

-Jeff and I were quite prepared, wrapping gifts as we bought them. All we had to do was set them out and let Santa do the rest. We went to bed at a good time but were almost like little kids ourselves, just so excited for the morning to come.
-5 AM, ready to open gifts. Jeff was of course the first one up.

-Santa left this train set out for Sullivan and he played with it the whole time we opened gifts. We had to pull him away to get him to open his other gifts and even then we couldn't keep him from it. The girls ended up opening the rest of his gifts and showing him what he got.

-Pretty nice camera for an 8 year old!

-London's Go-Go Pup that she HAD to have.

-I wonder what Jeff got for Christmas...a new set of golf clubs.

-Sullivan got a new Braves hat, which will be perfect for our trips this summer to watch some games. Immediately after opening his new hat, he placed it on his head backwards...my lil'thug.

-Sullivan playing with his new "choo-choo."

-Jeff checking out his new golf clubs.

-Opening gifts.

-He's a funny kid, he always holds up things when I take his picture. Here he is showing me his new golf clubs. I foresee a summer of golfing with his Dad!

-Dunking already! His presents this year, besides the train, pretty much revolved around sports. And, I'm sure that will continue through out his life.

-London with her spoils.

-K with her goods, excited to load some songs on her mini ipod shuffle.

-Just because he's cute.

-London playing with her new DSi, thank you Santa!

-Though I'm not in any of these photos, I was spoiled for Christmas as well. Jeff pulled a few surprises out of his sleeve, ones that he knows I wouldn't normally accept/want/ask for. I guess he understands that that is the only way to spoil me, to do it behind my back. ;)
-Christmas Day was spent playing, cleaning up boxes and wrapping paper, eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast and the whole ham she-bang for dinner and enjoying time as a family.
-We are so grateful and humble as we remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas, a time when we remember the Savior's birth, whose birth would have been insignificant had it not been for his life.