Random facts about my brother:
1. He married my best friends sister.
2. He served a mission in Paraguay.
3. His oldest daughter is named after Bob Marley and her middle name means dove in Guaraneen (a language he learned on his mission and I am positive I spelled that wrong). I think that is so sweet.
4. He has HUGE biceps!
5. He has broken his nose at least 3 times with my help for one of them. (I put a sleeping bag over his head and pushed him into the wall.)
6. He still reads his scriptures in Spanish every day.
7. When I was younger I had these hot pink spandex shorts (yikes, i know) and whenever I'd wear them he'd throw me over his shoulder (see #4) and my little sister would record my bum on a video camera. Weren't they mean to me :)
8. He is the best big brother a girl could ask for!

Random facts about my sister:
1. She is 5 years younger than me, yet people get us mixed up all the time.
2. She is the most loving mother and wife.
3. She is completely selfless and ALWAYS puts the needs of others before her own.
4. She was by my side the whole time I was in the hospital (3 months) and has never really left it.
5. Cries every time someone talks of my car accident.
6. Has 4 kids that are so cute they could model for GAP.
7. Helped with the conversion of her husband.
8. Is the best younger sister I could have asked for.
1 comment:
Jen...I have never seen photos of your family before!! Your sister looks so much like you too!! :) What a fun thing to do...remembering those funny moments of you as kids! :) Cracks me up! (oh and no worries, i had purple spandex!)
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