London Ellie's personality is emerging. I just want to remember these quirky little personality traits before they are enjoy.

Her two most favorite words of the moment are: Me and Way. When she is talking about herself she always starts it with Me. Me want a drink, Me hungry, Me love you etc.,. I correct her every time, but it is a habit now and it is hard for her break. I hope this problem is taken care of by kindergarten. The next word, Way, she has been using a lot recently. It all started with her jumping abilities. We have a fireplace with a ledge that she likes to jump "way high" from. Then it extended to her baby dolls "Her name is Baby Alive, she is WAY cute."

London will not allow me to get her dressed. She always picks out her own outfits and throws a major tantrum if I intervene. Her outfits always begin with skirts or dresses and then she layers. At least she color coordinates well!

When it comes to art, she is very intense and surreal/abstract. For example, she found some scotch tape and a blank canvas (the sliding glass door) and I let her work her wonders. She would not be disturbed, not even for a yummy snack. When Kamryn came home from school and saw what she was doing, Kamryn placed her own line of tape on the window, but London freaked out. After it was done, I disciplined Kamryn, but London (seriously) put her hand on my arm and said "it's okay, it's way beautiful." Either London liked what Kamryn had done, or London felt bad that Kamryn was being disciplined. Other art projects have been cutting paper into tiny pieces and then gluing them on construction paper, drawing her hand print and cutting them out and drawing squiggly lines, like sentences.

A few days later, I peeled the tape off the window and it hurt her feelings that I had done that. It made me feel terrible, so I snuggled with her and apologized. She still reminds me that I ruined her masterpiece.
That London of yours is so precious!! I love hearing all her little stories and it's great for you to have those memories. I still think the way she dressed herself on Wednesday was the cutest!!
Sorry I didn't come exercise Thurs. I had a BAD day. :( Hope you're doing well!! :) Can't wait to do a girls night out!
Tell her That you didn't ruin her master piece you have saved it for years to come... Then how her the page you scrabooked of the story with the pictures to go with it!!!
It looks beautiful. I love her outfits too. She even matches too. I love to watch there minds go and even ask questions also helps them think what they are making too
Man I love that kid. She is such a funny combination between you and Jeff! :)
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