One thing that I've learned about Jeff's family is that they like to be active at all times. One way we filled in the down time (besides hours of Rock Band) was a game called British Bulldog. You stand in a row, someone who is in the middle yells "British Bulldog" and you try to get to the other side without getting tagged. If you do get tagged you stand in the middle until everyone eventually gets tagged. It was a lot of fun, especially since the kids could join us. Kamryn is super fast!
We went to Hagerman one day during the reunion and spent the day at the fish hatcheries, museum, eating ice cream and geo caching. This part of Idaho is so beautiful and I never would have seen some of its hidden beauty if it weren't for geo caching. I think Jeff and I will definitely pick up this hobby one of these days.

We also took the whole family to the Twin Falls, Idaho Temple open house.
My sis-in-law is so creative! I asked her to come up with a craft for all of the kids to do and she went above and beyond. They made lei's out of straws and tissue paper (didn't get a picture of the final product, unfortunately) and they made baskets out of ribbon and plastic cups. The kids had a lot of fun.
Jeff and I were able to rent out our local pool for the afternoon and it was so much fun to have the whole thing to ourselves. I would post more pictures, but I doubt anyone wants to be seen web wide in a swim suit.
Then we were able to visit the beautiful Shoshone Falls. It was such a hot day that most of the women/kids sat under a shaded tree while the men and Ash, WAMS and my Kammi went geo caching...again.
We did have quite a time didn't we? The men went geocaching at Shoshone Falls? Melanie, Kammi and I are insulted. :) j/k Anyway, apart from the craziness that is our family at times, I had a great time. Thanks again!
I made the changes, thanks for reminding me!
Oh, didn't have to change it, I was just teasing you! :) Now I look like a jerk!
It looks like you have been staying busy and having lots of fun!
Thanks again for putting up with all of us.
That was a fun family reunion and you did a great job! That picture with Ashley in it makes me look pregnant! Eeek! What a horrible picture!
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