The final product (It's a scarecrow)
It's that time again! The soccer season has begun. This is London's first year and as you can see, it didn't fly. I am absolutely loving this photo though. This photo shows the true London that we are dealing with at the moment. All the other children having fun playing soccer and then their is London attached to Jeff's leg. Classic. I do have to admit that we are making progress with the separation anxiety. I currently have a friend drop her off at preschool for me and that way I am not tempted to just scoop my baby up and run the second she starts crying for me. It is a good thing...for both of us.
Kamryn did awesome on her first game of the season, though she was more timid than last season. She loves to be the goalie!
I am new to the whole "slumber party" thing. I just assumed that if I provide food, movies, games, and crafts that everything would run smoothly. And, it did run smoothly until I said "Time for bed" at 9:30 p.m. It was a school night, what did they expect! Next time I will just let them stay up as late as they want, as long as they don't have school the very next day. K's friend went home so we have yet to have a successful slumber party.
That's one of my favorite halloween books ever!
Cool beans! (I commented!) :)
Super MOM strikes again!
My grandaughters are the luckiest!
Love, Grandma Pope
Where have you gone?
I am so stealing the muffin tin idea...love it! and I love Fall too! Your family is super cute, I esspecially loved London hanging on to Jeff at the Soccer game, priceless.
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