We found our baby! A birth mom has chosen us to adopt her baby, due November 15. We are beyond thrilled! It has been an amazing few months and I am in awe at how much we know that this baby is ours. I really don't know why our baby needs to come the route that it is and it especially breaks my heart because I know the birth mom and her family very well. I hate to see her/them go through such pain. But, she was guided towards the right decisions to make, as difficult as it was, and she stayed strong. She is amazing and we are so grateful for her!
Without going into too much detail, we have been preparing for this child in our home for a long time (years). Jeff and I have had several promptings about this adoption and were also guided along our way (sometimes difficult too). We feel so honored to be chosen and worthy to raise this valiant spirit. We can't wait to meet our baby!
"Everywhere in nature we are taught the lessons of patience and waiting. We want things a long time before we get them, and the fact that we want them a long time makes them all the more precious when they come."
~Joseph F. Smith
First off, that is THE coolest potato ever!! We are beyond thrilled for you guys and we are so excited for that day that you get to meet your little one. I personally am excited to meet that lucky baby too! All good things come to those that wait. YAY!
Are you serious???? That's so awesome! I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait to meet him/her! Congratulations!
Congratulations... hope everything goes smoothly... november is not far away!
I am so excited to meet my new Grandbaby!! I Truly love that this beautiful girl is Brave, Loving, and such a hero to make these decisions. It is truly a blessing.
Heavenly Father works his miracles in very misterious ways. I know that this amazing girl will be blessed for participating in this wonderful miracle.
Love Grandma Pope
Congrats guys! That's wonderful news!
Aaaah, that is so exciting! Congratulations! All the best in the last few weeks of waiting.
And just for the record, I thought your riddle was awesome. :)
Hugs to all of you!
Nice potato. :) Oh, and YAY! Baby, baby!
Wonderful news! Oh Jen! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to hear more details. November 15 is so soon!
Beautiful quote.
What happened to your previous post? I just saw it in my blog feed, but it's not here?
Anyway, I can't stop thinking about you today. I know that feeling, that bittersweet feeling when you love your birthmom so much. And you know she's going to hurt.
Your post (your mix of emotions) has brought back so many memories. What a beautiful blessing and miracle adoption is! You are so blessed!
Hi Rebecca!
I deleted my riddle/blog entry because I got a little self concious about it. I try to be a little too creative when posting and I can't pull it off very well :) Though, I might put it back on because I've had a few comments like yours.
You are so right! It is such a bittersweet feeling. I am so grateful for your friendship. It is nice to know someone who has experienced the same emotions as I have.
grandma pope couldnt have said it better!
You are so right Ashley!
Congrats guys! We are very excited for you! Hopefully its a boy! Keep in touch! Jamie and Malorie and Family
Congratulations!! That is so exciting! My sister had a baby when she was young and it was the best thing to give her to a great couple. It was a very amazing experience, hard but amazing. Heavenly Father really does have a plan for each of us.
Congrats again! I am so happy for all of you!
ooohh!! I totally just got goosebumps! congrats! I am so so excited for you!!!! yay!!
YAY! That's awesome! Congrats! I LOVE that quote. Oh how true it is!
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