The girls love airport reunions...the sign was their idea. Jeff felt pretty loved!

Sullivan experienced his first time swimming in a pool. We woke him up after he was down for the night, so he is quite tired in all of his pictures. The girls also had a great time playing Marco/Polo with Jeff after I had to take sleepy boy back to the room so that he could go to bed.

Sullivan hogging the bed again. He is so tired.

These two...I love my girls so much. Even though they fight by day, they still love each other and need to snuggle by night.

Valentine's Day
While Jeff and I were dating, we frequented an Italian restaurant called Louie's. It was an out of the way joint that not many people knew about and the food was amazingly good. I swear we ate there at least twice a week. It was so romantic. The walls were painted with images of Italy. We usually sat right infront of a fireplace and we rarely had other costumers in the room with us and we'd talk of our future. Just thinking about this gets me all giddy inside. While we were on our missions, Louie's went out of business (so sad).
So, we were so excited when we discovered a Louie's in Meridian, Idaho. Though it definitely isn't the same as the Louie's that we were used to, it still brings back those memories. So, we took the kids to eat at Louie's for lunch on Valentine's day.
Fried Ravioli

The rest of the day was spent shopping, though we didn't buy much. It was still a great V-day.
I also made the girls these dresses, though the pictures don't do them much justice. They are super cute and sparkly too. I was just pleased that I was actually able to finish one of my projects.