For some odd reason, I love to dress babies up like they are little adults. Which is really weird because I love babies and I don't like to see them grow up so quickly. I dressed both Kamryn and London that way and now I am continuing with Sullivan. Habit, I guess. Anyway, I just thought this outfit made him look like a cute little man. He's so cute...sigh.
So, Mr. Sullivan is 2 1/2 months today. I wasn't going to do a post, but he's changing so often and I don't want to forget any detail.
He started laughing today. He's tried in the past, but it hasn't quite came out of his throat correctly. He has laughed in his sleep, but that doesn't count as a first laugh. It was bath time (his favorite time of the day, by far) and I unbuttoned the top button of his sleeper and I must have poked his chest/neck area a little because his fists came up close to his mouth and a giggle emerged. Is giggle a manly enough word to use in this situation? Hmm. Anyway, I took off the sleeper and tried the same area again, kind of tickling him and immediately he brought his hands up and laughed a bunch. Ugh, I love this kid. So, I bring naked baby back into our bedroom where I brake out my video camera and record his laugh for Jeff. I later called Jeff and played the laugh for him over the phone and he told me to stop because it made him miss Sullivan too much. Jeff may have gotten the first smile out of Sullivan, but I got the laugh...yay! So, it looks like I wore the laughing right out of Sullivan because he stopped and just wanted to take his bath. I put him in the water and washed the gunk that gathers in the fat folds of his neck...again he starts laughing. He must be sensitive in that area.
Sullivan has also been very strong since birth. He loves standing on his legs and even when I ask him how strong he is, he seems to strut his stuff. He loves it. He tries to sit up when he is in a semi reclined position. It makes me worried that he'll topple right over. He also started to bounce when he's standing on his legs. We broke out our old exersaucer and he loves to sit in it. He's not really bouncing in it yet, but you can tell he is trying. His body and arms are perfectly still and then you look below and his legs are all over the place. I'll try to get some pictures soon.
Another story...after doing some errands in a town about 10 minutes away, Sullivan got hungry and was ready to eat. Since we were already in the car and driving, I opted to just go home and feed him instead of pulling to the side of the road. I can hear him grunting, moving around and occasionally letting out a little cry. Then more cries came, but it sounded like he didn't know how to cry. It took him a little while to figure out how to do a full on "I'm not happy at all" cry. It sounded quite comical, though I was very anxious to get home and make him happy. He's just such a good kid he had to learn how to cry :)
He is such a handsome little man! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Don't you just love those giggles? They are the best!
You know, I always dressed my boys as little men too. It's so much fun. I love the second picture of Sullivan. He's just adorable!
Beautiful baby, I love the toe. Hey Jen, will you see if Jamie and Malory will invite us to their blog.
Jen, way cute!!! He is gonna be a stud!
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