1. Causing mischief.
2. Playful in a naughty or teasing way.
3. Troublesome
I love my boy! I love that he is ALL boy and he does boy things like make messes, eats dirt, stinks, growls, get owies often, climbs everything etc.,.
He got caught making a huge mess under our computer desk. He does this several times through out the day. I've got to the point where I don't clean it up because I know he'll just make a mess out of it again.

He gets stuck everywhere! Anytime I don't hear Sullivan for awhile, I know he's got himself stuck somewhere. He climbs on the couch, bench, into the tub...EVERYWHERE! Luckily, when he gets stuck he just stays there till I rescue him. It always worries me that he'll fall off, but he doesn't move once he gets up there.
Here he is stuck in a corner with a lamp blocking his escape.

My camera was dropped the other day and it isn't working right, that or I basically can't take a photo of moving objects (which is most likely the case), sorry for the blurry photos. Emily...I need a lesson on taking pictures of moving people!!! Oh and thank you so much for making me a new blog header, that was just the best surprise I've had in a long time!!!
Part of the reason why he's become so mischievous is because he is now currently very mobile. He started officially walking really well last week. He loves to carry things while he walks ie: books, crayons, toys etc.,.

He is just so cute and I can't believe he's walking now!! Well, I can...but isn't he still a baby?? :)
Sure, come over and I'll show you some tricks! :)
Thanks Emily! I'll be there Thursday morning. ;)
He is so adorable! I love your new header, by the way. Great picture!
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