I'm not sure why the pictures are so small, as soon as I get the disk of all the pictures I will fix it.

-Weighs 31 lbs.
-Growing out of his size 7 shoes.
-Wears a size 4 diaper, but probably should be in size 5's.
-Kind of started potty training, but I'm not pushing it. He has been telling us when he needs to go and that is the only reason why I started. Though, we haven't had any success yet.
-Enthralled by anything sports related.
-When he wears shirts that have any kind of a ball on it, he points at it, tells me what it is and continues this as the day goes on...constantly.
-Likes to color/scribble. Can draw a circle when I ask him to.
-Points to every body part.

-When he answers his toy cell phone he says "lell-o" And, needless to say but I will anyway, his favorite color is "lell-o" or so he says.
-Will not say the word "car" or "truck" he will only say "Vrooom."
-Once in the Walmart parking lot Sullivan was saying "vroom" and pointing to all the big trucks. Then he pointed to a little tiny car and said "Daddy." Jeff's a little sensitive now about the car he drives.
-LOVES, loves, loves his sisters! He can say "NunNun" for London, but he isn't even close to saying Kamryn's name yet.
-The day that Jeff and I talked about moving him into a toddler bed, he decided to become difficult when we try to put him to bed...so, we are holding off for a bit. Both of my girls were in toddler beds by the time they were 2. I feel like a slacker, but if I've learned anything from parenting it is that no two kids are alike!

-Once got a hold of Jeff's cell phone and typed the word "Poop." No joke! I was especially impressed that he even capitalized the first letter.
-I don't remember exactly how it happened, but Kamryn ended up getting after Sullivan for messing with her stuff. She did apologize, but she wouldn't hug him because she was still frustrated. Sullivan cried and cried, wouldn't settle down. I eventually put the girls down for bed and tried distracting Sullivan so he'd quit crying. Jeff came home from meetings and tried his luck, usually Dad can fix anything. Finally, I asked Sullivan if he wanted to go give Kamryn a hug and he said "yeah." We woke Kammi up and she was in a much better mood, gave her little brother some loving and then he was perfectly fine. He's a pretty tough boy when it comes to getting hurt physically, but when it involves his heart in anyway, he's an emotional and sensitive kid!
-He's my cleanest kid! He pitches in when needed and goes the extra mile often.
-His favorite foods are yogurt, bananas and string cheese. Love it when he says "Cheese Pease."
-He'd rather have snacks throughout the day than 3 meals a day.

-He's 2 yrs old and weighs more than 30lbs which I was told are the requirements for his surgery of the cyst on his neck, why they chose to wait to tell me this I have no idea! Jeff and I have decided that we will tackle his surgery sometime before summer next year. We didn't want him to have to go through this over the holidays.
-This was actually told to me by my sis-in-law, that he's the best dancer she's ever seen in a 2 year old. What can I say, he definitely didn't get this from me.;)
-Along the same lines as the above comment, he loves music. It soothes him in the car, it makes him happy when he's bored and it makes him bust out in the cutest dance moves when we have our dance parties.
-His voice fluctuates a lot...his "Yeah" and "Kitty" are adorable.
-Absolutely hates when I take him shopping (unless Dad is there) and cries most of the time.

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