He's definitely not an attention seeker, actually avoids it all together, but I couldn't help but make him cupcakes and sing him Happy Birthday. We went out to eat lunch for his birthday at one of his favorite Mexican restaurants. And, we got a game of Chomp in with the girls after they came home from school.
That night, both girls performed in their Tavaci concert. Both sets of Grandparents were there, along with cousin Kimberley and Ashee. I'm so very grateful for such supportive family, willing to travel to and from in one evening just to watch my kids perform. I truly appreciate and love you guys!!!
Kamryn performed her very first solo!!! She's amazing. We practiced at home and the first time I heard her sing her part to me, I cried. Her voice sounds so angelic. I just prayed that she wouldn't get too nervous and that she'd be able to perform as she does at home. Sometimes when she is nervous, it is harder for her to hit her high notes.
The morning of the concert, she woke up at 5 am and was ready and waiting by 5:45. She was one nervous kid!! She complained about a tummy ache later in the day too. I was nervous for her. Her solo just happened to be the very first song.
We got front row seats, out comes the Tavaci group singing "Old Fashioned Christmas" and Kammi walks up to the microphone to start her solo. The microphones just happened to be turned off, so we missed the first part of her solo. I'm just so happy that it didn't throw her off though. She grabbed the mike after her teacher turned it back on and went on with the solo. She was amazing and sounded great, though I could tell she just wanted to get it over with. Still, it takes a lot of strength to go through with that, I know...not that I've ever done a solo myself (no way!), but I've witnessed first hand what Jeff goes through. After the song was over, the crowd went wild...er, that was probably just our row, mainly my Mom! My Mom cheered the whole concert and actually got other parents to join in. She's always been her children and grandchildren's biggest fan! Yay for Kamryn!!!
London also had a speaking part and did a great job!

Grandma and Grandpa got the two stars some flowers for after the performance.

Cousin Kimberley came with Grandma and Grandpa just so she could hear Kam and London sing. After the concert, we took Jeff's family to our house for some rootbeer floats and we were able to hear Kimberley perform some of the songs she sang for her school Christmas concert. Coming from two very musically talented parents I wasn't shocked to hear how sweet Kimberley's voice was, but seriously the girl can sing and act/perform. She'll be on Broadway in the future, I have no doubt! We were quite impressed!

1 comment:
This was my favorite part of the whole weekend. The girls did a wonderful job! They are so talented!! You are the best Jen! Thank You for such a wonderful weeekend. Love, Grandma Pope
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