I only post this because I don't want to forget it, not to brag, not to seem like we are a perfect family cause we aren't. The concept of fasting has been very difficult for Kamryn, which I can completely understand. Food is like one of her most favorite things and to give that up for 24 hrs. seems just plain crazy to her.
Well, her cousin Mayzi (age 5) was just recently referred to an oncologist after visiting two different doctors. She's been having major health issues so when I heard that she had been referred to a Cancer doctor, my heart just broke. Danielle and Jason called a family fast before she went to the oncologist, this would be a perfect time to have Kamryn complete her first fast (she's tried before). She agreed, she loves Mayzi and would do anything that she could to help her feel better.
We started Saturday night and by the next morning Kamryn was still going strong. She kept commenting that it was hard. London didn't help much when she took big gulps of ice water in front of us and then saying "have a good time fasting guys." By mid morning, Kammi was in tears. I just held my baby girl and told her she could do this, I knew she could. She kept crying for quite awhile, broke my heart. I did mention to her that this is her choice, she could stop at anytime. She was more worried about Mayzi and wanted to do all that she could for her little cousin.
I distracted her as much as possible and told her as soon as church started it would be easier. We (FINALLY!) went to church and then it was over, she had succeeded, almost. We have a guy in our ward that hands out smarties to the little kids in primary and she got one. She watched Sullivan and London eat theirs in front of her. She asked if we could break our fast before we drove home and I said that she had to wait. I was worried that she would sneak some while we drove home, but the smarties package was in tact when I helped her out of the car.
We went to my bedroom, got on our knees, and prayed our hearts out for Mayzi. When we were done, I asked her how she felt and she said "Fasting feels like being grounded from food." Ha ha!! She's such a funny kid. She tells me that she felt proud, but very hungry and then went and ate whatever she wanted to eat...which surprisingly was an orange, cheese stick and a yogurt. If I was a kid and got to eat whatever I wanted, it wouldn't have been those choices!! Fasting brought me such comfort. I had absolutely no worries about Mayzi after that. Mayzi has since gone to the oncologist, and guess what...NO CANCER!!! Phew, what a relief. She's still a sick little girl, was referred to a doc in Boise that deals with allergies. Hopefully they will find out something soon so that she can start tolerating food again.
Anyway, I'm so proud of my K. And, I hope that she will always remember that she does have control over her body and the feelings that she had after she completed her fast.
We just wanted to thank each of you for your sacrifice and prayers. Especially you Kammi. We are so proud of you. You showed so much strength and you're such a good example to everyone around you. Great job! You guys need to come over to our place again so we can treat you to "El Franklin's."
We love you all.
Love, The Franklin's
That is such a sweet story, I'm glad you shared! I hope everything turns out okay with your niece.
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