My old PC died finally. It had been croaking for a very long time and conveniently died a few days after we got our tax return money. Ha ha! I'm now the proud owner of a new Mac. Wow, what a difference and I like it! With the new computer I've been able to get back into digital scrapbooking which I've missed dearly!!
I decided in the new year that I need to be more constructive with the time I have with Sullivan while the girls are at school. I could be doing so much to help him communicate better. I've been having a mini toddler school time with him while the girls are at school and it has been a lot of fun. The resources online are ridiculous! I'm so blessed to live in this time where I can just copy other Moms who actually know what they are doing.
Here are a few activities that we've done recently.
Practicing tracing circles with a mason jar lid.
Practicing his lines. Soon those lines will turn into S's...I hope.
I gave him some blue water to squirt into a yellow cup, which made the water look green from the outside of the cup. I think teaching colors will definitely take some time.
Then I let him go to town and do what he wanted to do. Of course it ended up in a huge mess, but we had a lot of fun.
We are still working on consistency with toddler school. I'm sure once I get more organized it will be easier.
As if everything I mentioned above doesn't keep me busy enough, here is a taste of what I go through on a daily basis.
Ketchup on the windowsill. I just don't understand this one. He tries this multiple times a day.
I don't know if you can see this very well, I was trying to take a modest picture of it. He pulled my newly laundered and folded towels in the bath tub with him.
Helping me with the dishes.
Lately I've learned how different each of my children really are. If they were to want something they'd each go about getting what they want differently...
Kamryn can talk her way into getting anything. She's skilled with manipulation, logic and a memory that is almost as good as President Monsons.
London is my crier/whiner. It does not matter where we are at, she will not hesitate to throw a temper tantrum to get what she wants.
And, finally Sullivan...if he wants something, he just goes and gets it by himself.
Some examples...
Pours his own milk on his cereal.
When he is thirsty, he likes to drink from the bathroom sink. I do provide plenty of beverage in sippy cups through out the day, but he prefers it straight from the tap. ;)
So, as I walked by the bathroom with him looking like this I thought nothing of it. He's very polite, turns off the water when he's done usually.
Then I went by again and saw this...
Ugh, not again. He unrolled a brand new toilet paper roll and got it all wet in the sink and then flung it on the walls and ground. What a mess!
Orbeez! Have you heard of them yet? Kamryn LOVES her Orbeez. They are these tiny balls that when you soak them in water they grow to the size of a marble. She collects them in jars/vases and bowls and loves digging her hands into the slimy balls. I've been very clear that she is to keep them up high on a shelf in her room because I have this fear of needing to perform the himleck on Sullivan. Well, somehow Sullivan found a container and dumped it all over. Doesn't sound that bad, but their were literally hundreds of Orbeez squished everywhere. It was quite the mess! Looks like we'll need to put them somewhere else from now on.
We've learned to NEVER, EVER leave anything on our kitchen counters. It definitely helps us to clean up after ourselves. Still, we manage to leave something out that he gets into...The cinnamon/sugar mixture left over from morning breakfast and a block of cheese that I was going to shred and freeze. Look away for a second and he's a wild man with anything on the kitchen counters.
That's what I've been up to lately, hope you enjoyed!
Wow!!! I'm tired just reading this.
When he gets older he will turn all his energy into service.
Love, Grandma Pope
I love when you blog!! I love how you're documenting the stuff Sullivan does...too funny!! Great ideas with the toddler time, I should start doing that with Miles too!
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