Thursday, April 21, 2011

All about Kamryn

My eight year old daughter is growing up, soon to be nine years old. She doesn't make my blog nearly enough and for that reason this post is ALL about her...

This post will melt your heart, I promise!!

One morning while Jeff and I slept in, she not only took care of Sullivan and London, but she logged on to and collected a pancake recipe and proceeded to make pancakes for the family. Scratch that...she made flower, heart and mickey mouse shaped pancakes for the family.

It amazes me that she took the initiative to not only go online and find what she wanted to make, but that she followed the recipe to a tee (even knew what a whisk was) and made the family a fantastic breakfast, set the table and presented it in the best manner she could...all without so much as a "Can you help me Mom?" Or even a "May I Mom." This makes me one proud Momma! It is so true that children learn by the examples they see around them and their is no doubt in my mind that her Daddy (who makes breakfast for the family quite often) helped spark this idea in her mind that she followed through on!

I think this photo will make some future boyfriend a very happy guy.

She bore her testimony today for the very first time. She's been wanting to for awhile, but has been too scared to do it. I was shocked when she scooted right by me and headed for the stand. It was a proud mama moment!

K's been working on her Faith in God booklet and I suggested she learn to sew since that is something I enjoy and feel that it is an important talent to learn, plus she bugs me about sewing together on a daily basis. She chose to make a pillow case, easy straight line to start out on. We went to the fabric store and I thought for sure it would take us all afternoon for her to decide on a fabric for her pillowcare. Nope, not the case...she went right to the boy section and picked out a Thomas the train fabric so she could make her brother a pillowcase. I thought it was so sweet and selfless of her. Here she is after she made it...

Here is the boy enjoying his new pillowcase.

In K's Tavaci class they have a spotlight time where one kid is picked and they bring something they love to class with them to tell everyone all about it, a show and tell basically. One kid brought her horse and had everyone take turns sitting on it, another child brought in some bracelets that she makes. Well, guess what Kam brought in...

Here she is telling everyone about him and why she loves him so much...

He came bearing candy, even shared.

That's my Kammi, she's a good one!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is the Place

After the Hogle Zoo, we quickly ran across the street to the "This is the Place" monument. We'd heard from our family friend (Stephen Neal, the one who created the statue in our living room) earlier this summer that he had put new statues up in this park and I've been wanting to go since then.

They depict the Mormon Battalion.

I loaded them in the wrong order, but here is Duty Triumphs.

Duty Calls

They were amazing!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hogle Zoo

After Jeff finished with the show, we loaded the car up and headed to Hogle Zoo. This would be Sullivan's first experience at a zoo, so I was excited. It is always fun to witness your child seeing things for the first time that they normally don't see. He loved it! It was such a fun day, no crowds to fight and the kids pretty much went where they wanted and Jeff and I just followed. Sorry for all the photos!

Kamryn brought her camera and so London had to bring her DS because it takes pictures. It was cute to see them take pictures of everything though, just like me!;)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

This photo was taken the first night in our hotel. They were out so quickly! I guess driving to Utah, helping Dad set up for his show, going to Temple Square and the Church History Museum, going to Build-a-Bear and swimming in the hotel can make kids tired...who knew!

When my kids are sleeping so peacefully, I can't help but peak in on them and feel this unimaginable love for them. I always tend to feel a bit guilty when they fall asleep, did I do enough today, did I tell them I love them enough, did I hug them enough, did I get frustrated with them too much. When they are sleeping, I realize how fast time is going and how quickly they are growing up and it just motivates me to be an even better mom to them tomorrow. I'm so blessed to have these 3 wonderful kids in my care!

I saw this on a friends status on facebook and it opened my eyes..."Hilary Weeks said that we have most of our lives and all of eternity to spend with our adult children, but only a very short amount of time to enjoy them as young children."

What a unique and special time this is that I have with my children. I am trying to become a mother that enjoys the journey, one that enjoys every small fleeting moment.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hotel Swimming

We spent most of our time in the pool while Jeff was at the show. Good thing my kids are such great swimmers because after the first night of swimming, I didn't have the desire to ever go back in...the water was way too cold!

He's having fun, can't ya tell. Girls kept splashing him while doing cannonballs. He's easily entertained.

Sullivan has the cutest "Peez" in the world I melt every time I hear him say please. I think he knows this because he uses it on me all the time. He started begging Jeff to get in the pool with him (water was FREEZING) and when he interlocked his fingers and used his cute little "peez", it was the final straw...Jeff ended up in the pool with Sullivan.

Not related in anyway, but had to record so that I don't forget...Sullivan likes to practice words that we try to teach him. Once while I was driving and listening to him try to form words, I hear..."Say Peez, Say Peez, I say Peez, Say Peez, Say Peez, I say Peez." It was too cute! He's sure made leaps and bounds with his speech lately!

Big bum...we forgot the swim diapers at home. I should have just let him go without, doesn't look like this diaper helped at all.

These aren't the greatest pictures, but I had to post them anyway. My little man spent most of his time on the steps and doing chin-ups. He's such a stud, already workin on his guns!