When my kids are sleeping so peacefully, I can't help but peak in on them and feel this unimaginable love for them. I always tend to feel a bit guilty when they fall asleep, did I do enough today, did I tell them I love them enough, did I hug them enough, did I get frustrated with them too much. When they are sleeping, I realize how fast time is going and how quickly they are growing up and it just motivates me to be an even better mom to them tomorrow. I'm so blessed to have these 3 wonderful kids in my care!
I saw this on a friends status on facebook and it opened my eyes..."Hilary Weeks said that we have most of our lives and all of eternity to spend with our adult children, but only a very short amount of time to enjoy them as young children."
What a unique and special time this is that I have with my children. I am trying to become a mother that enjoys the journey, one that enjoys every small fleeting moment.
1 comment:
You are the very best MOM in the world!!! I'm glad that you cherish the experience so much. You are an example to all.
Love, G Pope
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