We are *trying* to be super strict with our money and save for something I'll blog about at a later time...it's awesome, you'll see. Anyway, since it was my turn to plan our anniversary and we were on a budget, I decided to just take Jeff golfing since it is the other love in his life. I had visions of hanging a "Just Married...11 years ago" sign on the back of the cart with some cans hanging from strings that dragged behind us, but I don't think Jeff would have been too excited for that to happen so I scrapped that idea. It would have made a super cute picture though. I haven't been golfing for such a long time that I didn't realize how spendy it was, especially with a cart...yikes, so much for being on a budget for our anniversary. Still, it was soooooo much fun! It makes me want my own clubs and membership, but seriously when would I ever have time to go. I for see a lot of golfing after we are retired though.
And, I could go on about how much I love my husband but I'll save that for his ears only! Happy 11 years to us!
how fun! You are a good wife! ;)
Well the four of us should go then! I love golfing too, but definitely don't get to do it enough!!
i think the cans and sign would have been great!! but yeah, other golfers might not have appreciated it! :) cute! love that you got pulled over wearing a face mask! yes! we'll have to learn how to share books on our nook!! do you have the help on your nook?
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