School is almost out for the summer. May usually tends to be an extra busy month with all of our activities coming to an end as well. Kamryn had her Tavaci performance (choir with props and dancing) on Saturday and she was AMAZING! She sang every song and danced every dance perfectly. One little girl sang a solo that inspired Kamryn. She is now very interested in learning to sing better so that she can be like this little girl who sang so beautifully. So, Tavaci is a must for her in the fall and I have no problems with that.

Speech Therapy has also come to an end. London has improved so much that I really doubt she will need it in the fall. I guess we will see though because she will need to be tested at a 4 year level then. Still, we enjoyed speech therapy and getting to know her awesome teachers.

A couple of things, I have heard alot about Tavaci, how old do the kids need to be (because I saw Joey Gaglione in one of the pics and he is still in preschool!) Also, what is it and who does it? And, the pic is so cute with London and her therapists- Liz was all of my brothers therapist- she's a pro!
Cuteness!!! I love the shows in the first picture. Classic!
Thanks for the info on Tavaci, I definetly want McKenna to do it when she gets older! I was going to tell you, for our girl's camp fundraiser this year we are doing ward cookbooks- super cute and over 400 tried and true yummy recipes! Only $10, let me know if you want to order! See you tomorrow (I am so sad it's the last day)
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