London had her last day of preschool today. We are so sad. She had such an amazing and fun year. I still remember prying her off my legs the first few weeks and now she asks to go. We will truly miss her teacher, Mrs. Burk. London has one more year of preschool and then she will start attending kindergarten...I don't think I am ready to even start thinking about that.

Kamryn had a PJ party today at school. We haven't bought any new PJ's for quite awhile, so she picked her nicest pair, but they are a size 4T...kinda small. Oh well! Tomorrow is Kamryn's last day of school and she has her kindergarten graduation. I can't believe how fast her first year of school went. Again, I am so not ready to even think about having a first grader.

And last, but not least...I have a new calling in our church. I am now in the nursery (taking care of the kids ages 18 months-3years old). It will be so much fun and I am looking forward to preparing lessons like the one I had last Sunday...I am thankful for my ears! It doesn't get much better than that!
Thank good ness you are in nursery... they need good people in there to teach them to be thankful for there ears! Plus, Kevin loves you!
I know you already know this and you don't want to hear it, but, Wow! your girls are growing up fast! We sure enjoy spending time with them. Kimberley is ALWAYS talking about Kammi and London! You will be such a good nursery teacher!! I am so excited for you!
I have to say...from the picture, Kammi has nice technique. Her stance is really good for a (nearly) six year old! Both of your kids are amazing and you have every right to be proud of them!
Oh...and you'll have a lot of fun in nursery. I'm sure those kids will just love you!
Teaching nursery is one of the funnest (is that a word?) callings in the church. I *heart* it so much!
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