I understand the following paragraph might be confusing to some of you. If you have any questions about any terminology that I have used, or wonder what a temple is...please visit lds.org to find out. They explain it better than I ever would.
We have a brand new temple in Twin Falls, Idaho and before it is dedicated it is open to the public for free tours throughout the inside of the building. A lot of members of the church around the area volunteer to help where they are needed...and believe me when I say a lot of help is needed. Jeff and I had the privilege to be temple ushers. We made sure people on the tours stayed on path. We arrived at 7 a.m. and were taught our assignments. Before our assignment, I leaned over to Jeff and stated that if I were to choose my position it would either be in the celestial room or the sealing room. I was so happy when I got the celestial room...3 hours of heaven. (Jeff pushed people in wheelchairs.)The room itself is so beautiful and peaceful. It was completely silent the whole time because it is recommended during the tour that you reflect on your relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus and that you refrain from speaking while in this room. I guided the tours in and out and watched both members of our faith and others who do not share our beliefs get teary eyed because of the sweet spirit that was felt in that room...and it hasn't even been dedicated yet. I thoroughly enjoyed every second. When I had free time in between the tours, my thoughts would turn to my family and friends who are currently struggling with life. My prayers go out to you! I do get to volunteer again on August 2, maybe I will get the sealing room this time...fingers are crossed!
I was happy to be reunited with my girls after being away from them for 4 hours. I missed them so much. However, it is always nice to know that they are in good hands with a trusted friend. You know you have an awesome babysitter when she makes two babushka pillows for the girls(don't know if I spelled that right). Thanks Emily for spoiling them. Kam sleeps with her bushka every night now!
I promise, this isn't an old photo. Kamryn just really likes wearing her footie pajamas from Christmas 2 years ago. She is too adorable. So, this morning we woke up early (before London) just so that we could spend one on one time together. We had so much fun together! Do you remember those aqua dots that came out during Christmas? Well, I thought they looked so much fun and I knew I wanted to get one for K, but then some kids started swallowing the dots and it made them sick...aqua dots were pulled from the shelves...how sad. That is until I found a cheaper version of aqua dots at IKEA. I spent a total of $8 ($6 for the beads and $2 for the plaques)and Kamryn and I had 2 hours of fun making beaded messes and designs. All you do is place the pretty colored beads in any design you want on the plaques and then press them with your iron, they melt together and then you get a mass of gooey plastic fun. Honestly, it was a lot more fun than it sounds. We barely made a dent in our bead bin and their is many more beaded messes to be made.
The Celestial Room took my breath away when we were there - what an awesome opportunity to spend three hours there!
How exciting to have the new temple!
Hey, do you know a Brother Robbins? I guess he helped with the Temple open house also and is the son and brother of some people in our ward. That's awesome that you got to help with that.
Nope, we don't know any Robbins...yet anyway. I will keep my eyes and ears open for him!
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