We had some holes dug on our property to see if we could have an unfinished basement and it looks like it will definitely be possible. It is very rocky where we live and it is rare to have a home with a basement. Luckily, the ground we bought was originally farm ground and has been worked for many years so we didn't find many rocks. Yay! The girls had a great time getting dirty while we watched the holes being dug.

We have dance parties quite often (with just us, of course). I guess this dance party was quite different though because Kamryn opted to slow dance with Dad instead of the usual dancing. It was like watching my young 6 year old grow up within the 3 minute long song. I just wish she'd stay little...

I love catching precious moments like these on film. Kamryn feeding her baby brother a bottle in the morning, while lovingly rubbing his head. These two definitely have a special bond, always will.

Yay! Popcicle season is here. The girls beg me daily for one. After giving in to the plea's, I gave them each one and then continued to clean the kitchen up from lunch. After I was finished cleaning, I walked in to find this...

Their goes my goal of not having Sullivan taste sugar for his first year of life.
When Kamryn was little, not even two years old, she got a hold of a can of frosting. She snuck downstairs where Jeff caught her eating the frosting. He immediately took the frosting away and asked her "Are you eating the frosting?" Kamryn proceeded to look at Jeff and stated "sugar, sugar, sugar."