4 Month Stats
Weight: 16 lbs. 8 oz. (75th percentile)
Length: 26 1/4" (75th percentile)
Head size: 16"
Cuteness Factor: Over the charts!
First Foods
Both Kamryn and London took a few months to catch onto swallowing food instead of pushing it back out. Sullivan on the other hand is a pro and he loves anything I give him...well, except for maybe peas. It has been fun to sit down and feed him 3 times during the day and it has cut down on the cost of formula too!

I obviously haven't done this in a few years and need some practice...hence my nakie boy.

I think the sweet potatoes were a success!

Sitting Up
He is starting to sit up all by himself. Though, I am right there in case he decides to throw himself back, or topple over sideways. He's pretty good at sitting up if I position him just right. He likes to put his fists on the ground, kinda like a gorilla.

Rolling Over
Sullivan can roll over from belly to back and from back to belly...though the belly to back is harder for him and I didn't get a picture of that series yet. Sorry for the infinity of pictures, this would have been a lot easier and quicker if I'd just record it on video. I am a picture girl though, always have been. He also tries to scoot, but usually just goes in a circle.

Jen, I can't believe all the things he can do at 4 months!! He is one strong kid...and so cute too! :)
Wow! What a big boy he is! He is almost as big as Sara!! He is just so adorable! The fun has just begun! :-)
Oh my goodness Jen, you are such a cute Mom! I love that you dress him like a mini-adult!
i fixed the afore mentioned slip... check out the blog for edits... :)
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