Actually...almost 3 1/2 months old. I kind of missed posting an entry on his 3 month mark.
Facts about Mr. Sullivan
-Has slept through the night several times.
-When he takes naps during the day in his swing, he always folds his arms...like the above picture.
-He's also picked a favorite blanket that he likes draped over his head while he falls asleep, though I move it from his face after I put him down.
-Is a morning person. He always wakes up happy and wiggly.
-Speaking of being wiggly, his favorite past time is bouncing on my lap or in his exersaucer.
-Might be teething because he's starting to drool and loves to chew on my hand.
-Can grab larger toys with his hands and bring the toy to his chest and proceeds to chew on the toy.
-In size 2 diapers, size 3-6 month clothing.
-Is very ticklish around the neck area, especially when I take off or put on clothing...though this doesn't last long, after a good laugh or two he's done with being tickled.
-Is a complete momma's boy :)
-Sits up for a few seconds by himself (on our bed).
-He is very talkative and will chat with you, if you chat with him.
-Is very entertained by his sisters.
-Likes to pull hair, especially mine.
-Tolerates lotion.
-Loves playing patty cake and will wait to show his excitement until the very end.
_Has sharp quick growing fingernails that I have a hard time controlling.
-Rubs his eyes when he is tired, and usually scratches his face in the process because of his sharp fingernails.
March 10 is Sullivan's ENT appointment where they will "explore" the open sinus tract on his neck and see how extensive his surgery will be.
Same day as my root canal, looks like we both have something to look forward to that day.
Good luck with the ENT appointment! We can hope that it will take like 5 minutes and be the easiest thing the doctor has ever done right?
you know what? i just realized, I think that is what my nephew had done, and the surgery went fine and everything.
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