-He loves taking a bath. He even tries to crawl over the edge of the bath when the girls are taking a bath.
-When he takes a bath, he likes to knock down all of the shampoo bottles and then proceeds to tackle them.
-He also loves to "dive" (pounce like a tiger) on Jeff when Jeff is laying on the ground...can you say future Defensive Lineman!
-He's getting used to books more now that I have the free time to just read to him, but 90% of the time he just gets frustrated with me and wants to turn the pages and chew on the book himself.
-He loves to scoot Jeff's computer mouse on the ground.
-He also likes to slide around with books. Imagine the bear crawl with two books under his hands which helps him slide around.
-He cries for Jeff's blackberry which he usually gets and then he proceeds to push all the buttons.
-He grunts, gets mad and frustrated with me when I take the blackberry away.
-He has certain spots in the house that he likes to DESTROY. I have to clean and organize under the computer desk, the Leavitt's old stereo, under the sink and the pantry closets several times per day. (I've never had to child proof anything before, but now will probably have to)
-Currently getting 4 upper teeth and is cranky most days.
-Has 2 bottom teeth.
-He has the most soft touchable skin. Random people in Walmart, gas stations and restaurants just have to come over, comment on how cute he is and then they HAVE to touch him.
-He has almost transparent hair. People also comment about this as well.
-Is completely not afraid of the vacuum. He actually follows me around until I take the hose and let it stick on his tummy, toes, fingers and even his mouth . He loves the suction sound.
-Loves toys that make noise.
-Wears size 3 or 4 diapers. We are in the "in between" stage where 3's are getting snug and 4's are huge.
-He actually dances (bends his knee's,bobs his head).
-Most babies snuggle, hug, give open mouth kisses to show they love you, and though Sullivan does those things every once in a while, he tends to show you he loves you by giving you head butts most of the time.
-He claps his hands, a lot.
-He waves and says "hi".
-He took his first steps at age 9 1/2 months old, but he hasn't taken to it completely just yet. He's very cautious and takes 3-5 steps at a time and then he usually falls on purpose and just crawls the rest of the way.
-He crawls super fast...this probably explains the statement above. I love looking at him head on when he crawls fast, he looks like a little bull dog.
-Scrunches his nose when he smiles...so cute!
-Usually he only takes one long nap in the mornings and then bedtime is around 7pm.
he's so cute, and I can not believe he is already 10 months, it just seems like yesterday when we were reading about his birth story!!!
Aww...my Suva boy. I love that little man!! I can't wait to see him on Saturday!
I love that you do this! Since we don't get to see him that often, it's nice to see how (and what) he's doing. He is such a cutie!
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