Kamryn is in the 2nd grade now. She was more nervous than I've ever seen her, but that quickly resolved when she saw her friends.

London was actually quite excited to go to kindergarten. Jeff and I have been talking to her about kindergarten for quite some time. She was definitely prepared when the day came.

However, when we dropped her off we could tell she was a little timid. She went with her teacher pretty easily though and that put me at ease, thank goodness.

The day dragged on. I'm sure I'll enjoy only having one child at home during the afternoons, but I was so anxious to get the kids home and to hear how their first day of school went. Sullivan and I went out on the deck and waited for the bus to come. When the bus came, the girls didn't get off. I immediately went into "freak out" mode. I'm not very good at staying calm in situations like this. I called the school and they said that they told their teacher the wrong bus #. She put me on hold and contacted the bus people and located my girls. I was so relieved. Then she said that "He" (the bus driver) would bring them home himself. I got in the van and parked down at the end of our lane and waited, and waited. Twenty minutes later and no kids, I started to freak again. I called the school who gave me this guys cell phone # and I called him directly. He said he has my kids and he is 5 minutes away and will drop them off in the company suburban. For some reason this just didn't sit right with me. Some dude is driving home my kids, in a suburban. Note to self: Re-teach my kids that it is not okay to get into a car with a stranger!!! I felt so helpless and not in control. But, soon enough a big suburban pulls over and I run to it, open the door and squeeze Kammi. Wait, where is London? I ask the guy (who was very nice and not deserving of my judgement towards him) where my other daughter was. He was like "oh, I thought that London was a boy." AAArghh!! I start crying. Why, of why did this have to happen on the first day. My poor little girl who is so meek and probably freaking out about now and probably never, ever going to go back to school again. My phone rings and it is the lady I visit teach. She is a bus driver and she tells me she was just dropping off her bus when she saw London just standing there at the bus barn. Oh, bless her heart...she found my baby!!! I cried, asked if she was okay and then waited by the door until she was returned. By this time it was about 4:45 P.M. All the prayers in my heart were answered. My children were returned to me, unharmed and...happy. I couldn't believe that London was chill about the whole thing. She later told me that she was so scared, so scared she couldn't even cry. She did end up going to school the next day and she loves it!
Oh...so I guess what happened was London got on the right bus, but didn't get off the bus when it drove to our house because she was scared and didn't know what to do. Kamryn was the one who rode the wrong bus.
I just cant get over this story!
I hate that helpless feeling. Hope that your BP has went down.
That first picture looked like something out of a magazine- it was SO CUTE!! The girls looked beautiful for their first day of school. That was a crazy story about the whole bus trauma. I would have freaked out, too!! I'm glad London is enjoying school.
oh my goodness!!!!! how scary!!!!!!! okay, maybe when trevan starts school he won't be riding the bus...
I've been hearing so many horror bus stories this year. I'm so glad everything turned out right and that the girls wanted to return to school. Being on the school board makes me really concerned. I will be sure and make sure things are running smoothly in out community. P.S. The girls look so happy and my little Sullivan too!! Thank-you, Thank-you, THANK-YOU. Love you guys
How scary! I am glad you got through it! They are so cute, I love their hair!
your girls are adorable! thank goodness for friends!!!
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