We all woke up early and let Sullivan open his presents first thing so that he could play all day. I don't know if it was the lack of toys in the house since we were in the temporary house at the time, or what...but every toy was a hit (for all 3 kids). Kylee also sent him a birthday package filled to the rim with goodies. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of this event yet. I accidently left my camera at a hotel in Utah and it was currently being mailed back to me. I purchased one of those cheap disposible cameras, but it is packed away somewhere. I'm sure I will find it someday.
That night, we took the family out to one of Sullivan's FAVORITE restaurants...McDonald's. He loves it there! He doesn't care so much about the food as much as he LOVES the play area and watching the big kids play. He runs beside them, acts like he's really hanging out with these kids. Their just happened to be a set of twin girls that were too little to walk, but old enough to sit up. They sat on the ground watching and Van just loved these little girls. He'd walk up to them and give them hugs, he'd show off for them by smiling, running, laughing. Man, it was pretty cute. So, after spending Jeff's time limit at McDonald's (he hates it there), we headed home for cake and ice cream. We sang the Birthday song, for the millionth time that day...he loved it! As for the cake...

The deal with the cake...I'm not that great at decorating beautiful birthday cakes. Usually I just let my kids decorate it how they want, unless they want something like a theme and then I "try" to create something cute. Anyway, for Sullivan's 1st birthday I wanted to try something, but we were at the spec house with no oven. I thought I could just go to Walmart to pick something up, but felt guilty about not making his first birthday cake...I'm weird like that. So...I remember seeing a caterpiller cake that someone from our ward made. She had just moved in our ward and I thought it would be a great way to get to know her as she showed me how to make the cake. Not to mention, it might actually look decent if I had someone with these skills help me. Well, my good intentions failed and she ended up just dropping off a cake in the shape of a caterpiller (which I appreciated so much). Feeling intimidated, I just frosted it, threw on some sprinkles and placed the candles...but it ended up looking like the letter S which ended up being perfect for Sullivan!

Here he is playing with one of his birthday presents the very next morning. He loves to ride this thing!

Jeff and I couldn't help but reminisce about his birth and first year. We spent some time thinking of Kylee and I'd imagine that his birthday might have been a painful day for her. I do pray that she can be filled with peace knowing she made the right decision and that Sullivan is with a family that thinks the world of him and loves and adores him.
Goodbye Baby

Hello Toddler!

-He weighs 25 lbs (50-75%)
-He is 30 1/2" (50%)
-He literally runs!
-He climbs EVERYTHING! (oven, dishwasher, couches, tables, toys)
-He has a left dimple that is really cute.
-Says Ma Ma, Da Da and Ya a lot.
-He's also said ball, doll, hi, owie before.
-He signs milk, eat, all done and more.
-Understands directions.
-Helps clean up his messes and helps me unload the dishwasher by putting away the utensils.
-Loves his Dad the most. Literally follows him around the house.
-Loves coloring on paper.
-Loves music! Anytime he gets cranky, I put on music and he calms down.
-Has 5 teeth on the bottom (2 are molars) and 6 teeth on top (2 are molars).
-Throws the ball in our basketball hoop, practices tackling his standup lion.
-Watches sports with Dad.
-Doesn't like TV, other than sports with Dad.
-Turns pages in books.
-Loves to hug and pat backs.
-Eats with a spoon, for the most part.
-During our ball wars, he grabs a ball and hits himself in the head.
I can't believe that Sullivan is already 1!!! He is so adorable!
Wow..Did he devour that cake or what!! omg I miss him soo much-the worst thing about that accident was that I didn't get down to see him, wished it would of happened on the way home instead...but I've still got all the christmas presents in the trunk of my car, which is in tri-cities hopefully getting fixed right now...But I will be down there as soon as I'm able to...probably with Uncle Chance! yay!
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