Saturday morning chores. The kids love hanging in the closet. It has a little ramp at the bottom from our stairs and it makes the perfect climbing tool. London even put on her gymnastics outfit while she did flip after flip after flip...accessories matter people!

January 17
Jeff's probably going to kill me for posting this. I think it shows how good of a Dad he is, willing to act goofy to make his kids happy. A pirate dance and song to entertain the wee ones on a Sunday afternoon.
Dear Jeff,
I hope you know how much I appreciate you! You take advantage of every free second you have to make us happy. WE love you!
p/s Please don't kill me for posting this picture!

January 18
FHE about "Going the 2nd Mile." Game was a success, lesson was not. I will forge on though and continue just because I know it is right. Sometimes it is really frustrating!!!

January 19
A rare shot...I bet you wonder where all of my pictures of Kamryn are...well, she doesn't like having her pictures taken and even more so she hates when I post them on my blog. I snuck this one shot though, she wasn't prepared at all for it. She's getting ready for school and if you notice the hole in her jeans. This is something that I will always remember about Kamryn, she PLAYS hard! I don't think she has ever owned something that she has not stained, ripped or worn a hole in. We have to replace shoes and jeans every 6 months.

January 20
A friend of mine brought me white roses today, just because. It brightened my day!

A common question I hear from London is "Can I have that/this?" I usually have to say "no" or "you can play with it, but you can't have it." So, after I trimmed the roses to fit the vase, she asked if she could have the left over stems. I finally got to say "Yes." About a half and hour later, she presented me with a bouquet of flowers she had made with the left over stems. I'm so blessed...two bouquets in one day.

January 21
Jeff went to visit a client in Boise and thanks to some good friends (thanks Jamie and Shelby) for taking care of the kids for me, I was able to tag along with my 2 favorite guys!
Hey...there's a rare sighting of the lady behind the camera!

Jeff dropped us off at the outlets so that he could attend his appointment, though I told myself I wasn't allowed to buy anything. We went through Carter's and Osh Kosh and I almost pulled out my hair. It is so frustrating to me to see so many things I'd love to buy the kids, but I don't because that money could go towards the yard, or our travel fund to Disney land. Self control is a hard thing sometimes!
So, after those 2 stores, I decided to not even go into the stores and just let Sullivan run around (If I don't know what's out there, then I don't know what I'm missing, right?). We had so much fun. As soon as he was released from the stroller, he ran everywhere. I observed him picking up rocks, watching cars, discovering his shawdow, and watching a woman through a window making caramel apples. The simple things in life sure make him happy and I know that when we eventually have our yard in, or take that Disneyland trip that it will all be worth the scrimping and saving!

January 22
No school for the kids, so we just hung out all day. Jamie, Jeff's brother, brought his family to visit and the kids had a blast together!

January 23
Jamie and Malorie left early since Becky was getting sick. So, we took the rest of the day trying to tackle the garage. We still have a bunch of stuff in there from the move. That night we had some friends over for games.

January 24
After church, and after naps we broke out the old Karaoke machine. We bought this thing YEARS ago and when family came over, we'd always sing together. Danielle and Jason do a incredible rendition of Summer Lovin!!! Anyway, we thought the kids would get a kick out of it. London took to it immediately and though she couldn't read the words on the TV, she just made her own up as she went along. I always enjoy when Jeff gets a turn because he has an amazing voice and he serenades me. He sang me "Brown Eyed Girl" but changed it to Blue eyes. Then, as you can see in the picture below, London wanted Jeff to quit looking at me and look at he sang to her and then to Kamryn (changing it back to Brown eyes for her). Kamryn was shy and didn't want to sing, though we tried to convince her it was fun. Finally it came out that she didn't want her picture taken while she, I reluctantly put the camera down. She sang some Disney songs and she has a lovely voice!

This girl LOVES to sing.

Sullivan even got into the action.

Jen I love reading your blog. Your family is so entertaining. I am so impressed that you went to the carter's outlet and didn't buy anything. You guys will have so much fun on your vacation and saving the money will be worth it.
Nice Pirate picture Biff!!! Sorry our visit got cut short again! If it is not one thing it is another, but thanks for having us it was a lot of fun!!!
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