Yesterday was our ENT appointment for Sullivan's sinus tract/cyst on his neck. The doctor kept wanting to see Sullivan every 3 month since his birth and he'd spend like 5 minutes with us and then be on his way. I got tired of paying money for nothing so we quit going. The doc always said that he'd schedule surgery when Van was big enough. Well he weighed 25 lbs at his last appointment, my boy is solid and definitely big enough to go through surgery now so I scheduled this ENT appointment with the idea that we'd schedule this silly surgery and get it over with. I was wrong!
It was another 5 minute appointment. Sullivan was so good and let the doctor pinch at the cyst quite a bit. The doctor then proceeds to tell me he could take care of the cyst pretty easily, but he might want to hold off on the sinus track (the pink stripe) because it looked dried out, chapped like it had been leaking fluid. I guess that changes the dynamics of the surgery?? I'm not sure?? I do think it leaks fluid and I've told the doc that several times. And, no way I am going to put Sullivan through 2 surgeries so I just told the doc I'd like to get it all done in one shot. He then tells me he could do a z formation (exactly like my trachea scar, so we'd be twins)but he still seemed worried about giving Van a scar. Ultimately, he wants to see Sullivan back in 3 months because he wants him to be bigger but I think it is because he's not quite sure what to do with the surgery, how to fix him.
I've considered not going through with the surgery, but as he's gotten older and we've heard questions and comments from complete strangers I realize that it is very noticeable and he'll be more comfortable with a scar than trying to explain the scratch on his neck. So...we wait.
Hard decisions. It might be good to get another opinion as well.
It totally seems like what my brother's (Jeremy)son had when he was little, and I thought he had his surgery when he was smaller than that. He's a PA. I'll email him and ask him. Or if you want to email him, I'll send you his email. I think it's always helpful if someone else is familiar with what's going on and has been through it too.
how frustrating. hope its all for the best. i don't even notice it anymore when i see Van. he's just so darn cute!
que massa
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