Just a little update about Sullivan...He's trying so hard to communicate. I almost fell on the ground when he said "Mo" while signing more. He's only said it a few times, but he's catching on. Sometimes in the car he likes to try babbling in different pitches and volumes. And, he's starting to jump, but not really getting any air. I think it is so cute to watch!

February 2
A quick game of charades in the kitchen. You can't see Jeff because he's on the ground acting like a rock. The girls couldn't figure out that one for quite awhile.

February 3
We are ALL ready for spring!

Febuary 4
100 days of school! Kamryn filled out this little questionaire and I thought her answers were cute.

This week we made our first yard improvement...er, something like that. We purchased a chicken coop for our 4 new hens, or as Kammi would call them "The Chickletts" or as London named two of them "Holla and Gilbert." They've been a fun addition to the family. The girls are actually thriving from this new responsibility. I had my doubts since they put up a fight when I ask them to do chores. I guess when it involves an animal they are "game" for anything (cheesy, aren't I). They literally ran from the bus stop to see the new hens.

February 5
I worried about the hens all night long. Will they be happy, is the coop big enough, will they be warm enough or too warm. It didn't help that Jeff told me that 3 hens were in one nesting box and the other one was by itself. Poor lonely hen!
I was anxious to see if they laid any eggs, and in my mind if they laid eggs that meant that they were happy in their new home. I watched the girls and Jeff as they checked the boxes, but they came back empty handed. I was immediately sad until Jeff told me that he saw two eggs, but that the hen was still in the nesting box. I was so relieved! I sent them back out to scoot the hen over and grab my two eggs! This is Kammi showing off the goods.

Three eggs total! Jeff went back later and found one more.

We had a taste test with the eggs that morning. We scrambled the fresh eggs and the rest of our store bought eggs and wow, what a difference! I was sceptical at first, but fresh eggs taste so much better! I just hope I don't get tired of eggs because these hens are producing 3-4 eggs a day.

February 6
Picture taken by Kamryn, with a zoom lens on even. Fun Aunt Ashee came to visit us Saturday morning. We played charades, karaoke and ate at Tomatoes for lunch.

Jeff made his own cookies since I didn't trust myself at the time to eat all the cookie dough. He's actually quite handy to have around when I don't feel like cooking.

February 7
Over night curlers makes really cute hair for church on Sunday.

We love the chicken coop. We are glad you are doing chickens, Maybe the girls can do 4-H. They might like it. Love Grandma Pope
I love that you are doing a picture (or two) a day. It is so fun to be able to keep up! The chickens are brave of you. That is really cool--I think I would be nervous to crack one open and find more than just a yoke! But I guess if you stay on top of it every day you won't have that problem. It's cute that the girls like gathering!
Sullivan is getting so big! What a cutie!! So, fresh eggs really taste better?
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