As I was cleaning today, not only did I find the bags of chocolate, but I also found some disposable camera prints that I haven't posted about, so here ya go...
Before school ended, I was able to go on a field trip with both girls. London's class went to a greenhouse. It was fun, but London was more interested in her friends than her own Mom, so I was like the 3rd wheel through the day. I went with Kamryn on the same field trip when she was in Kindergarten and the same thing happened, must be the age.

Kamryn's trip to the Boise zoo was fun. I was worried that since I had to cart around my oxygen, that Kammi may be teased or questioned endlessly about what/why is your Mom wearing that. It is a good thing I have such a confident daughter. I asked her if she would be embarrassed by this and she said "no way." Kids did end up asking us a lot of questions, but they were satisfied with the answers and treated me normally. I was in charge of the group below and they were such cool kids! They all wrote me a thank you note afterwards which included drawings (which happen to include my oxygen tank;) and what their favorite part of the field trip was.

PJ day at school.

Garden starts.

I found this gem of a photo from his first birthday. Not the greatest photo as it was taken on a disposable camera (after leaving my good camera at a hotel and I was waiting for it to be shipped back to me). He got the sweetest package from Kylee, Joe and Sharon (birth family)and in it was the most snuggly soft dog. My girls wanted to steal it from Van, but he held tight.

Saying good-bye to my family after K's baptism.

I can't believe this is the only photo I have from this week, but tis true. After K's baptism, I suggested that I keep Halle and Landin since I'd be going to visit my family in the next week and could drop them back off. Jeff was gone for 2 weeks right after K's baptism and this would give me something to do while he was gone. Then, as we were saying good bye to Jeff's side of the family, Kimberley started crying as she was hugging London...broke my heart. I then invited Kimberley to stay too and I'd drop her off on the way to my family's house. I had just enough seats in my van! My home was fun of kids and we had a blast! We went to Hop 2 It, the park, t-ball and baseball games, McDonald's and rented a ton of movies. It was a busy, but fun week. My only complaints were...they ate EVERYTHING and they wouldn't go to bed earlier than 11 PM. I was so exhausted. Next time we do this, Jeff needs to be home to help me out and give me breaks and I need to do a big Costco grocery shopping run before. I did get to know my nieces and nephew a lot better though and I love them, very sweet kids!

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