To start things off, I had the kids decorate gift bags to put all of their goodies/prizes in.

Then we played games and earned the prizes. The kids LOVED it!
I don't even know what this game is called. It wasn't successful though, too windy. Suck an M&M at the end of a straw and carry it to a cup and drop it. They still won a prize though, which made it fun for them.

Cake Walk. I was able to distribute several goodies during this game!

My two helpers for the day...K and her friend Alexis. They were manning the radio at the time and Jeff was teasing them by trying to take their pictures.

Van with his Aunt Melanie

Birthday Bingo

I let the kids decorate their own, not sure that was a good idea. They literally piled the frosting up as high as they could, then put multiple sprinkles on top of that. Most of the kids just licked the top of the cupcake and didn't bother with the rest.

Then all of a sudden, the kids started screaming and laughing happily and very loudly. I didn't really put two and two together till my sis-in-law whispered "sugar rush" in my ear...oops. Sorry to all the mom's for sugaring up your kids and then sending them home!

It was quite windy, so we had to have London blow out the candles right by the door.
Bummer, I wanted a better picture!

Opening presents!

Hopefully Jeff doesn't get upset about me posting this picture. He's just such a fun Dad! London got this huge lipstick shaped piggy bank full of fun stuff. The second she opened it, Jeff proceeded to steal it away and apply it on his lips. The kids cracked up.

We had a few minutes to spare, so Jeff took the kids out and played tag but it ended up more like all the kids trying to catch him and tackle him. They LOVED it!

London showing her friends her new jewelry box.

The party was a success. London had so much fun and felt so important and loved that it was worth the huge mess and extra stress that I dealt with. Happy Birthday to my favorite 6 year old!
She is so happy!! Your yard looks great. I love your blog.
Love, Grandma Pope
That is a horrible picture of me! Oh well. You did a great job! Kimberley (and Katherine) had so much fun and it was obvious the other kids did too. We're glad that we were able to be there.
wow... kaden was the ladies man huh? hahaha... thanks for inviting him. he loved it!
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