Sullivan had a hard time saying goodbye, but he's adjusted to the new schedule and looks forward to seeing the girls get off the bus now. Kamryn is in Mrs. Clark's 3rd grade class. London is in Mrs. Drew's 1st grade class. They both LOVE school, though London isn't much of a morning person and we do have a hard time getting her going and out the door on time!
WOW!!! they were just babies we were holding in our arms. They grow up fast. We will blink our eyes and Sulivan will be going to school. Love Grandma POpe
ahhh what a sweet picture...how is he coping with them being gone everyday now? Must be nice to just have him at home now! Does he wait by the window to watch them get off the bus? I remember doing that with Seth n Ash...
He's doing much better now that he's used to them leaving in the morning. I think he's becoming somewhat of a momma's boy now ;) He seems more attached to me than ever, probably because I never leave like the others do! Ha ha! And yes, he waits by the window and watches them get off the bus and walk home. The "reunion" has been so sweet to witness, it is like they've been away from each other for months.
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