Hanging out in the hot tub with Grandma S!

Making a fort with the shower curtain.

Whenever I see kids with food all of their faces, it kinda grosses me out. Still, I have to post these because he's just so cute. Sullivan has learned how to get into our pantry. He usually grabs these pudding snack packs, probably because they are on his level. It just happened to be snack time when he came barging into me carrying this little chocolate snack pack declaring "uh, uh." I'm just grateful I took of his shirt beforehand.

He ALWAYS does this. I don't know if it is his "cheese" smile or what, but he always closes his eyes and scrunches his nose.

My parents recently downsized homes and ended up divvying up a lot of their stuff. They basically let us choose what we wanted to have. I really didn't care what I ended up with, I wanted both my sister and brother to have what they wanted and then decide myself...selfless of me, I know. The one thing that I really, really wanted was the set of dishes you see in the picture. The reason I wanted them so badly was that I like the story behind these dishes. My parents were newly married when my Dad went to Vietnam to serve in the war. He came home with these as a present for my Mom. I just think it is sweet/romantic. My Mom kept these in her China closet (in picture, I inherited it too!) and we'd only use them for Thanksgiving dinner. I love them! And, the China closet was my Grandma/Grandpa's which makes it special too!

Looks so cute...God bless him...
The Dishes look great. Who is that first comment? It definetly is distracting from your beautiful
blog. Love Grandma Pope
That is such a great story behind the dishes. I had no idea that happened. Next time we all get together I need to hear all about it. I understand why they are so special! By the way I love the cheesy smile too!
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