Aunt IE (as Sullivan lovingly calls her) came for a visit over the weekend...perfect reason to go and have some Halloween fun. We went to a local, homemade park and went through a corn maze. Not to toot my own horn, but I was pretty good at finding some of the hole punching stations. I guess Jeff didn't realize that the picture of Buzz Lightyear was actually an exact map, he thought we just had to wander aimlessly finding them. It involved a lot of walking, some up and down hills and my toe was starting to throb, so I took it easy through most of it. When we had like 2 punches left to get, I just took control cause I wanted to get out of there! In the end, we had a blast...twas fun! Sullivan though, had to have his hand held through the entire maze. We tried letting go a few times, but he always seemed to wander off and try to hide in the corn stalks and not stay on the path.

At this park, they have water slides for summertime and they use them as slides in the fall.

Jeff taking the big slide, the slide with the jump at the bottom, the one where you lay on your back in a gunny sack and bump and shake all the way to the bottom to catch some air and have a huge ball pit waiting for you to cushion the landing. I think it was more painful than fun.

Ash, what a trooper! Looks like she never wants to try that landing again!

Kids going down the kid sized slides. They loved it, they could have spent all day there!

Dad convinced the girls to try the big slides. I don't think Kammi liked it too much, but London went again all by herself (made me super nervous).

What a fun weekend. Thanks for putting up with me! Side note: I'm now officially in love with Toothless. I watched it again with Jamie and Malorie. I think they thought I was crazy! :) As for the slide--it was generally unpleasant the whole way down, not just the landing. :) The slide was bumpy and jarring. I can still feel my bones rattle.:) Fun times.
Jealous! It looks like you guys had a really fun weekend!
Looks like fun. Where is this park at? We'll have to go next year.
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