And while London practiced punching, Sullivan looked handsome in his Ladies Man shirt...the shirt that makes high school girls swoon over him while we wait in line at Target.

Welcome to our blog. We are a family of five who are excited to have another baby through adoption. We've started a blog for the sole purpose of having birth families learn more about our everyday lives. If you'd like to get to know us better, or have questions that need to be answered, please e-mail us @ jeffnjen2@msn.com.
Papers by Amy Hutchinson and Dani Mogstad, Elements by Emily Merritt, Nancy Comelab, Natalie Braxton, Kate Hadfield, Two Sisters Designs, Weeds and Wildflowers and Holliewood Studios
He would have my full attention! What a handsome boy! I agree Karate can be a great sport for kids, teaches them far more than you would expect. Im thinking of taking it myself. I could be a human weapon!!!!
london's skirt is so cute, i think i'm going to make some like it. :) sullivan and jonah can be roommates at college. i just figured this out. :)
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