Kamryn came home after school one day last week with a new wiggly tooth. She has already lost 4 teeth on the bottom row and now has a wiggly 5th. It did take some time from wiggliness to actually letting Dad pull them out, so I didn't expect it to happen the very next day.
The next day, Kamryn came home from school with a new hole where her wiggle tooth was. I was excited "Where is it, let me see." "I lost it" K said. By now, you've all figured out the whole story...but, for record keeping I'll go on. "I know you lost it, where is it" I said. Then she proceeded to tell me that she bonked heads with a kid at recess and didn't realize that she had lost her tooth until the end of the day. Her tooth was lost in all the rock and rubble of the play ground.
Fortunately, her teacher sent a note home with her:
Dear Tooth Fairy:
It has come to my attention that Miss Kamryn was out at recess when her head bumped into another student's head. Both children were not hurt, however, Kamryn's cute little tooth popped out. Her sweet little tooth is now nestled in the sea of tiny rocks and pebbles that surround our playground equipment. Please let it be known that Miss .... and I, Carrie ......, vouch for Kamryn on the whereabouts of her tooth, and we would appreciate it greatly, if this note can take the place of Kamryn's tooth underneath her pillow.
Thank you so much!
The tooth fairy found the note and left $3 of quarters behind. Kamryn was so happy that the note worked, that she worked on a Thank you note for her awesome teacher who took time out of her busy schedule to write that letter to the tooth fairy.
I like that story. I have not heard one like that. Playing outside and into each other and lose a tooth. I love it
you just have to love teachers that help with lifes daily miracles!
That is the funniest tooth story I have ever heard! That 's awesome.
I'd have to agree. That was really funny. That teacher really has a sense of humor.
Her teacher is so awesome! What a good idea! Three dollars in quarters huh? I think I only got one quarter when I lost a tooth. That tooth fairy must be adjusting for inflation!
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