The title says it all...Kamryn scored a goal! Not just any goal, it was the very first goal for her team, the very first game of the season...and, it brought tears to my eyes! It definitely beats last year where I don't even think she kicked the ball during the games. It didn't matter to me as long as she had fun. I guess we just weren't expecting her to be as awesome as she was, let alone score a goal! I am soooo proud of her!
FYI...I(Jen)played soccer my whole life (since age 4). My brother was a stud at soccer and I'd practice with him and a few other neighborhood kids everyday. I had the skills, just not the speed. Though I did make it on the varsity team my freshman year in highschool and I scored two goals during that season...which was pretty good since I was mainly in defensive positions. After my freshman season, my family moved to a small city that didn't have any soccer teams near:( I then tried other sports, but soccer has always been my one true passion. Also, I did get to play on a few intramural teams at BYU, before the big car accident.
I/We absolutely love watching Kam play soccer and do so well at it, especially because this sport is something that I love. It would make me so proud if we could share this passion together!
I'm so proud!! I couldn't stop grinning when Jeff told me! I always knew she was a stud! :)
I don't have a google/blogger account so it shows as anonymous- this is Ashley by the way, in case you didn't figure it out. :)
Oh, she is so cute in her soccer get up!! Tell her congrats for scoring the first goal!! :)
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