This wasn't a decision that was taken lightly. We've prayed and thought about this for a long time. We are now the proud owners of a 2 1/2 acre lot. Of which, we will build a home on in a little over a year. We are currently house sitting for Jeff's boss while they are serving a mission in Chile. It has been such a huge blessing to do this for it has allowed us to pay off debt and make this dream of ours come true. So, my question to all of you is...If you had some land, what would you do with it? I've already been thinking hard about this and have some ideas, but would like to know other suggestions. Jeff's ideas: basketball court, large backyard for soccer, flag football and wiffle ball tournaments. Jen's ideas: Orchard, huge garden spot, maybe raise some beef, a track around the perimeter, swing set, trampoline etc.,.
We are excited at the prospect of laying permanent roots here. It has been a good city for us, we have many great friends here and we are close enough to family that it would be easy for us to go and visit as needed. The process of choosing a floor plan that fits our needs, picking colors and decorating exactly how we want is also so exciting for us! We can't wait!
Is it still in the ward boundries? I think with two and a half acres your could do both of your ideas, (try not to have the trac to closet to the cattle, the smell will stop the run) I think the orchard, and garden spot are great ideas, a swing set and large backyard for games are a must. I personally would love to have a mik cow around it would cut my grocery bill in half if I could make my own cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese ans so on, but my father in law says you can never take a vacation, or a day off becuase that cow needs milked every mornin and every night, so I don't recommend that, but chickens are fun to raise for eggs,
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
congrats! that is so exciting!
YAY!! I'm really excited for you guys! :) I can't wait to see what floorplan you guys choose to put on that beautiful piece of land!
I would say that the wiffle ball field is a must, along with a large driveway for basketball. Um... if you lived a little closer to us, a tennis court would be nice, but out there...it probably wouldn't be worth it. A trampoline would be nice unless Jeff and Jamie insist on doing 1,2,3 bounce. I know them better than to think they wouldn't so...eh. :)
How fun!!! I would have to say...a pool. Thanks for the invite. We would love to come swimming in your new fabulous pool. How thoughtful of you! ;)
When are we going to connect and get together?!?
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