-Weighs 13 lbs. 9 oz.
-Is 24 inches long.
-Eats 5 oz. every 3-4 hours.
-Is finally on a really good schedule and I'd like to keep it that way!
-Sleeps 6 hours straight at night.
-Likes his binky (yay!)
-Smiles a lot.
-When you talk to him, he talks back.
-Is starting to hate tummy time, but can hold his head up pretty well.
-Tries to laugh, but isn't quite there yet. (Though he has laughed in his sleep a couple of times)
-Moves his arms and legs A LOT!
-Is very ticklish on his feet.
-Loves to stand on his legs.
-Barely cried when getting his immunizations.
-Cried a lot when the Tylenol wore off after immunizations.

So so precious of pictures! You are such a sweet mom.
He is so cute Jen!!! I just want to squeeze him. You guys need to move closer.
I think Sullivan might be tall when he grows up!! I'm glad that y'all have a schedule. That really helps alot. Thanks for the pictures! He is a cutie!
What a cute baby!! I can't wait to see him again.
me too-me too, I want in on the Sullivan action. He is such a sweetie pie!
Ashley-(from Chances Blog) I dont think we will catch Chance saying sweetie pie. Well, not atleast until he has kids of his own :)
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