Before London was born, we bought a brand new Honda Odyssey. I wasn't exactly looking forward to being a mini van family, but I guess with the thought of having two kids (gasp) in our small Honda Accord scared me enough to make the jump. It has been nice, especially since there are 3 girls in our family who don't pack lightly when it comes to road trips.
Then London was born early and we didn't expect the amount of money that she would cost us (of course it was totally worth it though). All within a few months, we racked up our debt and ever since we have been slowly but surely trying to get rid of it. Though, after all we did, it never seemed to make a dent. When the Leavitt's (Jeff's boss) asked us to house sit while they served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we knew that it would be the perfect opportunity for us to completely get rid of all of our debt. We still pay rent, but it isn't as much as we used to pay, so any extra that we have goes towards debt. It has been such a blessing for us living here. We've buckled down on our spending habits and have made a strict, but livable budget. Our goals for the two years living here were to pay off London (check), save/pay for an adoption (check), pay off our car (check) and now we are working towards paying off our student loans. Life happens, though, and we now have to pay for Sullivan's surgery (high insurance deductibles), but we still feel our goals are attainable.
It sounds like you guys are doing awesome! All your debts are "good" debt. It's not like you're drowning in credit card debt. Great job and keep dreaming of the day you can say "check" "check" to those last ones. All worth it, for sure.
awww...paying off debt. It's a never ending battle. Congrats on what you have paid off tho! that's awesome!
Your goals of paying off debt are a lot more attainable than mine! Congratulations though, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to do that. You probably have less debt than me now, unfortunately for me.
Now I just bummed myself out. Anyway... yay.
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