Sullivan's 2 month birthday.

Tuesday January 20
I took Sullivan in for his 2 month check up today. He did so great! He had 3 different shots for his immunizations, but by the time the needle came out he had already stopped crying. Though when I picked him up after the shots were done, he really latched on to me. Both of his fists were clenched onto my shirt, I loved it. Several hours later after the tylenol wore off, he cried quite a bit. I felt so bad for him.

Wednesday January 21
This is Addy and she is Sullivan's first friend. I am in the works with her parents on an arranged marriage :)

Thursday January 22
I am really feeling the need to get into better shape. The thought of having family portraits taken after Sullivan is sealed to us is a motivating factor. I've had a hard time staying motivated though. So, after the kids were in bed I broke out my wii fit and this is what I saw...

I guess I need to use my wii fit more.
Friday January 23
We have this huge dry erase board we write on for some of our family goals. Occasionally when the kids are so bored and can't find anything to do, I break it out and let them draw. This is our family that London drew. Check out Jeff's ears. :)

Saturday January 24
We spent the day cleaning (typical Saturday for us), window shopping for some house stuff and playing in the snow. These cute knitted hats were made by my cousin Ashley.

Sunday January 25
Our friends Stephen and Anji had their baby boy, Cooper. We have been friends with them for a long time and have known their desire for a baby, though the timing wasn't right. We were beyond thrilled when we found out that they were expecting and now baby Cooper is here and healthy. This photo of the day comes from Stephen's cell phone. Isn't he so adorable!

I can believe that you are not feeding Sullivan enough. He is so Skinney!! JK, pinch those chubby cheeks for me!
London is so hilarious-- I love that family picture she drew! What an artist. Sullivan is growing up so fast, I hardly know what to think. What a handsome little guy--I love him to pieces.
Cutest the snow hat trio ever! Sullivan is being squished with love by two adorable sisters. :)
ok...i LOVE London's drawing... especially Jeff's ears. :)
kind of scary the wii fit remembers when you last "logged on". I need to get back to the gym. I didn't go ALL last week! bad me!
hr has the cutest girlfriend! her mom must be hot
You crack me up, seriously you are soo funny!
Loved this post, loved Londons drawing - Sullivan is getting so BIG, im in the same boat with the working out thing, yuck I hate it :(
What cute pictures!! I love "nakey" baby pictures. Sullivan is just beautiful! And you can tell those cute sisters of his just adore him too. Love the hats Ashley made you. So crafty Ashley. ;)
I finally have some free time. The kids are adorable. Your family is doing great! I'm proud of you!
Love Grandma Pope
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