Sullivan has been quite the joy to have around. We love him so much! He is still doing well with real food and eats his tub of Gerber's baby food when we sit down for meals. He also eats 6 oz. of formula in between those feedings. I am loving his schedule, especially now that his naps are longer yet fewer. He has grown and is now in 6-9 month clothing and wears size 3 diapers. I really, really need to go shopping for some new clothing for him, he's growing out of everything. I really want some plaid shorts, so if you've seen any cute plaid baby shorts please let me know! We did weigh him on our scale, but he hasn't gained weight so I am thinking he is just getting longer. He sits up a lot better now and he rolls from place to place. I almost forget he is getting mobile and when I come to check on him and he is somewhere other than I leave him, my heart starts to race a bit. He has been blowing raspberries and drooling like crazy. For a few weeks he was doing this little dance move like he was shaking his head no, but with some sassiness behind it. It was so cute. I wish I would have gotten it on video! Anyway, I had to sub for the sunbeams class and so I passed him off to a friend who happened to be sitting in the front row of Relief Society. It was Easter Sunday, so the lesson was quite spiritual and I felt bad but Sullivan had everyone cracking up with his little dance. I wish I could have seen it!
A picture to compare:
3 weeks

5 months old

Most people take pictures of their child in a car seat, or by a bear...but, not me. Ugh, I apologize that the only picture I have to compare is one of Sullivan taking a bath. I am sure I have other appropriate pictures, I just can't find them right now.
The turtle
Sullivan has been doing the turtle move for a few weeks now and does it automatically after I lay him on the ground. He will not relax. If I don't pick him back up from this position, then he just rolls over. He definitely prefers being on his belly now, though he'd much rather be held than anything. Jeff likes to hold down his legs so that he does a few sit-ups. He's quite strong and has done 3 in a row so far. It is so dang cute!

The local drive-in opened and we took advantage of going to watch two movies together without needing to get a babysitter. We just put the seats down and made a bed for the girls to fall asleep in and Sullivan fell asleep in his car seat. It was so nice, though I think I've finally got to the age where staying up late is difficult. We watched Push and The Knowing. Right now we don't have cable and really knew nothing about the movies before seeing them, other than the PG-13 rating...we didn't know what to expect. I kept expecting Push to get better, but it never did. And, The Knowing was enjoyable until the aliens then it got a little weird. I just hope the next time we go better movies will be playing.
On the way home, Jeff was pulled over for a suspected DUI (he took an extra wide turn at 1:30 in the morning). I was cracking up! I told you we are too old to stay up past midnight!

Since Sullivan was born during the winter months he hasn't been outside much. Spring has finally arrived (lets hope it stays) and we've been able to go outside quite a bit lately. He loves to go outside and doesn't even mind sitting in the grass. When the girls were babies, they literally freaked out every time I tried to put them in the grass. Yay for laid back baby boys!

I know the hat casts such a dark shadow on his cute little face, but better that then a sunburned head!

We recently had a parent teacher conference with Kamryn's first grade teacher. She is doing outstanding as usual. She is the only one in her class to still have a 100% in spelling on the year. Kamryn is also doing very well in Math and Reading (Third grade, six month level). Her teacher proceeded to tell us that Kamryn's only issue in 1st grade is reading too fast. If that is all I have to deal with right now, I'll take it! We attended Stake Conference this past Sunday and the Bishop greeted us all and asked Kamryn what she was hiding under her shirt. I was shocked to see that she snuck in a book to conference, but I was secretly proud too!
London, London, London...what a kid she is! She has been making up words and actions and then asking me if I know what they mean. For example:
London: Mom, know what this means? (twirling a frisbee)
Me: Um, no.
London: It means to stop talking.
Me: Oh, okay.
London: Try it, talk now.
Me: Okay, I was thinking that after we do our errands that we should...
London: (Starts twirling her frisbee so I stopped talking, she smiles big as she walks away)
Also, last weekend Jeff and I had quite the time trying to get the girls to clean up their room. They just did not want to do anything, so they hung out in their room most of the day. During lunchtime, London whispered in Jeff's ear that Kamryn was being a "butter act." He prompted her to explain and then she states that "Kamryn does nothing, like how butter acts." Clever girl, but if you can't say something nice, you don't say it at all.
We finally have Sullivan's court date scheduled for Thursday June 11. Unfortunately, our temple will not let us schedule our sealing date until after the court date. The next fast and testimony meeting is on the 4th of July weekend and so that doesn't work out very well for us. We really want the sealing/blessing to be that weekend of June 13,14. I am sure it will work out, I just hate that I have to wait till after the court date to schedule things. We will be having family coming from out of town and I need to know the exact weekend so that they can prepare accordingly. I will keep the blog updated as things progress, but as of right now June 13 we will be sealed as a family and on June 14 Sullivan will be blessed.
Update on our house...we were supposed to start building March 1, now it is almost May. Ugh! As of right now, we are waiting for financing to go through but we should be breaking ground the first week of May (cross our fingers). Lately building a house has been no fun!
i just love my future son in law... ;) you need to post the kissing pictures so i can steal them... hehee
I really miss you all. Sullivan has really grown. He has such personality. I hope that I can remember Londons translations. they really make sense to me. And Dad & I are thinking of chalenging questions for Kammi. Love Grandma Pope
Sullivan does look like he's getting longer! He is so cute! That cracked me up that Kammi tried sneaking in a book to Stake Conference. I'm so proud to have such a smart niece! And London- what a kid! She is such a doll! I just love reading your posts. They make me wish we could see you guys more, though!
JC Penny's had some really cute plaid shorts.... I can't believe how big Sullivan is getting and kudos to Kammi with the book! :D
Thanks Lisa! I just checked out and they do have some cute plaid shorts that aren't overly priced. I think I might go shopping this weekend!
I can't beleive how big Sullivan has gotten! Kamryn sounds like such a smart little girl. That is awesome that she loves to read. I hope one of my children end up loving to read as much as I do. And sounds like you are going to have your hands full with London! She sounds like quite the character! I'm sure that everything will work out with the court date and the sealing and Sullivan's blessing. We are always thinking about ya'll!
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