This post is more for me than anything, but read on if you'd like. I've been dreading this day for quite awhile. London has been needing some immunizations so that she can attend kindergarten in the fall and if you know anything about London she hates all things doctor. I scheduled the appointment around Jeff's lunch time so that he could go with me and help out. He has a way to make things all better (isn't that my job?). Also, I needed him there to hold her down. When I took Kamryn in for her kindergarten shots, I had to hold her down myself and that girl is sooo strong. I almost let her go and who knows what she would have done to that nurse if I had. So, London got a check up and she is a very healthy kid. The doctor said it was normal to have as many night terrors as she has, which was music to my ears. I can't wait for her to grow out of that! She weighs 40 lbs. and is 42 inches tall which leaves her in the 50th percentile for both. We had to give her a few tests that were kind of fun while we waited for the immunizations that included naming some colors, telling us what she uses a cup for, jumping over a piece of paper etc.,. We got through 2 pages of these little tests and their were no more, so I guess she is mentally/physically/socially on track for her age. I guess this is kind of an anticlamatic post because I don't have any funny/cool story to go with London getting her immunizations. She got poked 4 times in both thighs and cried. She was treated to McDonald's immediately afterwards. The next time she will need a shot will be when she is 11 yrs old and I am hoping by then she will overcome her fear of all things medical.
so glad she didn't pass out or anything. ;)
haha! I was just about to say the same thing as jackie! i was expecting her to pass out... good girl!
Glad that Jeff was able to go with you. And I am glad that London did OK. Thank goodness she has a few years before she needs more shots!
you know its rude to but a picture of a syringe on your blog like that... She's not the only one who passes out...:)
Sorry Catherine! :)
Bennett just got his immunizations for Kindergarten and was NOT happy! I had to restrain him from grabbing at the nurse. Then she commented, no more shots until he's 11 -- which reminded me I have to take Davis in for shots before Middle School. I wonder how he's going to handle it...
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