We tease Kamryn that her teeth are going to look like beaver teeth if she keeps sucking her thumb. Well, she finally saw what real beaver teeth looked like. I think she is scared.

London registered for kindergarten. As soon as we walked in the door, she shut down and would not say a single word. I had to take her to 3 different stations where they tested her for her kindergarten readiness. I had to be hands on to help London communicate while being tested and I was also struggling with a tired baby at the same time. It was frustrating. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find a lady that works at the library. I don't know her too well, we just see each other when I go to the library and we chat. She loves Sullivan though and when she saw my need she came to offer to watch Sullivan for me while I helped London through the testing. Usually I brush offers like this off because I hate putting people out, but I really needed the help and I was just so grateful that she was there to help me. So, I take London to the different stations and they worked around her shyness by asking questions like "is this the letter M?" She'd always nod no and ended up getting more right than she should have :) Ha! I could see them joting down notes like "doesn't talk, extremely shy." If they only knew my London...give her a few weeks and she will be singing and dancing to the whole kindergarten class.

And a post just isn't a post with out my chubby baby making an appearance. The girls tested out their baby doll stroller on Sullivan and it held up well. He loved being pushed around and almost fell asleep while doing so.

Look how big he is in that stroller! Adorable. Okay, London does look like Jeff, but she really looks like you a lot too!!
What a cute picture of Sullivan! Your kids are so precious!
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