Doesn't he look like a toddler in this picture? He is growing up so quickly!
Weight: 19lbs 5 1/2 oz.
Height: 27 1/4"
Again, he's a perfectly proportioned baby and comes in at the 75% for both height and weight.
He has been discovering his voice more which sometimes involves high pitch screaming that embarrasses me. But, most of the time he says "Dada" when he's happy and "mama" when he's upset and sad. I don't think he necessarily knows what he's saying because he says Dada all the time, even when Jeff isn't around. Though Jeff would like to think differently.
He loves to shake his head "no" and "yes." Again, he doesn't necessarily get the answer right but it is fun asking him questions that make him sound like he's the smartest baby on earth...
Sullivan, is Bush our current President and he shakes his head "no." See, he is the smartest baby ever!
His new found talent is clapping. It was adorable to watch him connect those fist for the first time and then have him try again and again. He claps slowly, but he succeeds. He even gave the girls a standing ovation for their Tavaci concert.
Eating chunky food has become his favorite past time. Whenever I am eating and holding him, he tries to grab my food. I've been feeding him/letting him feed himself the soft dissolvable baby foods first to make sure he could handle solids and I've been slowly introducing chunky pears, bananas, real rice, beans etc.,.
He is a pro at sitting up and rolling over. He's pretty mobile with just those. It seems like most of the time when I set him down in a sitting position, he gets on one foot and his hands and starts to sway back and forth. If I remember right this is how both girls started learning how to crawl. He also loves doing planks (just his hand and toes touching the ground). As I write this, he pulled himself up from a laying position to a sitting position (time to move the crib mattress lower).
He is growing up way to fast - although he is extremely adorable!
He is amazing!! What a blessing and ajoy to our family! Sullivan will teach us all how to progress.
Love you guys! Love, Grandma Pope
he is very cute!
HE IS SO CUTE! What a perfect picture.
I cannot believe that Sullivan is already 6 months old! He sure is a handsome little man!
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