I know that I can't be perfect as a Mother, but I do know if I follow these exemplary mothers then I can't go wrong...

Also, to all of you who sacrifice so much so that families like mine can be blessed with children...thank you so much! We just found out that Kamryn's birthmom is pregnant with a baby girl (she has 4 yr. old twin boys as well) and we are so happy that she is doing so well. Sullivan's birthmom is also doing well, but it is still so new that I am sure she could use the extra prayers right now!
So, Mother's Day ended up being a weekend full of fun for me. At Lowe's they offered a craft for the kids to make for their mom. They were supposed to make planters, but they didn't have any left so the girls got to make tetherballs.

Jeff sent me and the girls to go get manicures for part of my Mother's Day gift. It was relaxing and I loved that the girls got to go with me and experience this. They were able to pick out their own fingernail polish: Kamryn chose purple, London chose pink and I chose Red.

Jeff also bought me a pair of running shoes...I needed a pair pretty badly!
We hung outside most of the afternoon on Saturday. Sullivan loves to be outside. Check out his one dimple, he's a cutie!

Saturday night was spent cleaning up Kammi's vomit and trying to make my sick child as comfortable as possible. I was kind of bummed that I had to miss church the very next day. Jeff called me half way through the meetings and said he was coming home so that I could attend sacrament meeting (he was even supposed to conduct). I was so happy! It was so nice to be able to listen to the talks and not wrestle with kids the whole time. I'm so grateful that he decided to do this for me...I needed it!
We switched roles and he went back to church to finish up all that he needed to. When he got home, he grilled me the most delicious top sirloin steak this girl has ever tasted. The sides included garlic potatoes, salad, bread and for dessert...homemade icecream. He spent most of his day slaving in the kitchen and we spent about 15 minutes devouring it (not very fair)...it was SO good! I appreciate being spoiled today and getting a break from my normal duties. What a great MOther's Day!

awww... mothers day dinner sounded delicious, jeff gets an A+. How appropriate for mothers day to take care of a sick child. :) I had to stand outside of church through all the talks on sunday because all mallary wanted to was scream!! it was great!!
What a great husband you have! You are a wonderful mother. I'm glad that you were able to have a girls day with your daughters. They will remember all the little things you have done for them over the years. Motherhood is hard and tedious at times, but oh so worth it! Happy Mother's Day!
Sounds like a fun mothers day weekend! Your a great Mom Jenn, and a great example for us other parents to look up to. Thanks soo much! Happy Mother's Day! Jamie and Malorie
what a great tribute and what a fun day, i esspecially loved that you got to get manicures with your girls. fun fun memories!
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