Can you see it? Look a little boy has his first faux hawk :) I'm so proud!

What a fun Easter we've had this year and it isn't even over yet...we still have yet to dye eggs. We celebrated all week long with little lessons and activities.
We made tombs out of snowballs and nilla wafers.

The Easter bunny decided to bring goodies to the kids on the day before Easter this year. I thought this was a great idea since Jeff has to leave so early to Bishopric meetings on Sunday and I wanted happy kids for Easter, not sleep deprived cranky kids. This ingenious idea soon came back to bite me in the bum. As Kamryn announced "The Easter Bunny came" I hear London say "Mom, I know it was you." She wouldn't let it go either. She kept bugging me about me being the Easter bunny. Even on Sunday I mentioned that they get to wear the shoes that the Easter bunny brought them and she said "It was you Mom."
So to fix the little problem...As the girls were on an Easter egg hunt, they found a few pieces of candy along with the note that said "Hoppy Easter", from the Easter Bunny and that seemed to satisfy London.
And, just so you know...the tooth fairy has forgotten to visit twice and don't even get me started on Santa.

Sullivan's first Easter. He almost didn't fit in the basket! :)

I was subbing in Sunbeams when in walks a pale London and her teacher who tells me London doesn't feel well. I snuggle with her while trying to finish the lesson and she is sweating and just not looking so hot. I grabbed the secretary and had her keep an eye on the class while I search for Jeff to tell him that I need to take London home. But, the fresh air did some good and she was starting to look better and even opened her candy filled egg and ate a skittle. That is when she tells me that they watched a movie about Jesus dying and that she saw blood on his hands. This is just weird to me that she gets so sick when she sees blood.
In the car on the way to church.

The Hunt
Normally we do the public Easter egg hunt as well as doing a little Easter egg hunt at home on Easter morning, however a few years ago we went to one and Kammi ended up getting two eggs and London didn't get any at all. I didn't care that Kammi only had two eggs, I was so proud of her and she was happy. I wasn't happy that people were greedy and pushed my timid London to the back so she didn't even get one egg! I saw parents helping pick up the eggs for their kids and continued to do so even after they had quite a few eggs. It was so frustrating and heart breaking to see my little girl with tears in her eyes because she didn't get an egg. Luckily, big sis came to the rescue and gave London one of her eggs. Ever since that incident, Jeff is anti public Easter egg hunts. I agree, somewhat...I want to try again since the kids are older. I remember going to public Easter egg hunts when I was little and I loved them. I just hate the thought that my kids are missing out on things like that. Maybe next year:)

Even Sullivan finds one

The Loot

Jeff made doughnuts during General Conference weekend...they were yummy and I wish I didn't have to limit myself to eating just one.

I love the faux hawk! That really stinks about the public Easter egg hunt. I am glad that the girls had a good time this year. They all looked so cute!
I miss you all so much! You are the best MOM ever . His Hawk looks real to me. So how do you do a faux hawk. I loved it real or faux.
Love, Grandma Pope
I think the faux hawk is adorable, too! It looks like you had a fun Easter! You got some really cute pictures. That story about London getting sick cracked me up. She is definitely Jeff's daughter!
I, too was cracking up at London's story. Hilarious. It stinks that you guys can't do the public Easter egg hunts. One day you'll have to come to ours, where they're guaranteed twelve eggs. Anyway, great pictures of cute kids. What else would anyone expect?
Trevan told me I was the Easter Bunny too, after the egg hunt. It is those 4 yr. olds I tell you! Loved the little faux hawk, and I could use a good doughnut recipe!!!!
Those are such great pictures. And I love the faux hawk! My two boys with straight hair always want their hair fixed like that. I love it! And all your kids looked great on Easter.
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