Gasp, Ahh, *tears*...I love this picture. My friend Emily is an awesome photographer and has captured some cute pictures of the Sullster. In this photo I see his amazing blue eyes...I love them. I also do not see a newborn any more. He's growing up. That first month went by too quickly.
At a month old, Sullivan does the following...
-Sleeps 6 hours straight at night.
-Loves to snuggle up in my neck.
-Holds his head up really well.
-Tries to roll over when he has tummy time.
-Does not fit in Newborn diapers any longer, however I am trying to use up the last bag that we have and it is causing extra loads of laundry this week.
-Weighs approximately 10lbs...according to our scale.
-Has the worst plugged tear ducts EVER, poor kid.
-The most common compliment that we get about Sullivan (besides, aww...he's so cute) is usually about the shape of his head (weird, but true).
-Loves to show off his strong legs.
On a different note, Sullivan was born with a little cyst on his neck that is leaking fluid. We have an appointment this coming week with an Ear, Nose and Throat pediatrician to see exactly what it is and how it should be taken care of. I've been reassured that it is probably just a gland that wasn't formed correctly in the womb. Honestly, deep down I know everything will be okay, but as his mother I still worry a little. Please keep the Sullster in your prayers. It is much appreciated!
WOW!! I can't believe its been a month already. Those pictures are adorable. He is so handsome. As far as his neck goes he will be fine. Didn't Jeff have something done on his neck?? Maybe it is similar?? And you had a neck thing Hes just following your foot steps. Sons do that!!
Love Grand ma Pope
Not to pry but it under his chin? I have a little one that has some thing like that. It turned out ok for us. Something he could live with. I hope all turns out ok for your little guy. I can't believe it has been a month. He is a lovely child.
You know it is the same thing. We just got lucky I guess because Cason's closed. They told us we could have it removed when he was five. Now that he is five I am not sure I want to do it. They also told us that it may grow with colds. But we haven't had much troubles. I just don't know if we have it removed now or wait until it becomes a problem. They told us because it closed we may not have much trouble with it. I need to have it checked again. I found it in his neck right after he turned one. Scared me. I thought we were going to be dealing with cancer.
I sure do wish you luck. I look forward to watching your blog and having a new friend. Let us know if you need any thing.
Jen, of course I remember you! You look beautiful and your family is DARLING! So glad you found me, I'm going to add your blog to my list so I can keep tabs on your cute family!
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