I honestly tried to get a Christmas card out this year, but so many other things took precedence. Consider this blog a history of our doings this year. We did receive the sweetest Christmas card from Kylee's family (our birthmom). Here is a section I want to have for remembrance sake...
"We found out Kylee was pregnant. Lots of decisions needed to be made. Not being married and wanting to go to school this posed a problem for her. After a time she decided to keep the baby but we both felt troubled with this decision. When I was at work Kylee had texted me and asked if Jeff and Jennifer were still looking at adoption. I responded with what a great idea. We both just felt that warm comfortable feeling. After that our feelings were overwhelming and felt this was the best decision. I look back now and realize that the lord guided us, and has blessed Kylee with such strength and comfort all along the way. Kylee knew deep down that she wanted her baby to have a mother and father to raise, love and support him. This was not an easy decision even with the divine guidance we all received."
My testimony has been strengthened. It is so comforting to know that Heavenly Father knows us and we've seen him direct both families in this adoption. Their have been too many "coincidences" in Sullivan's adoption to be labeled coincidences. I call them tender mercies from a loving Heavenly Father.
My attempt at getting a good Christmas card photo :)

Kamryn was a Christmas tree in her school Christmas program. She looked adorable and did a great job at saying her lines loud and clear so that everyone could understand.

Mr. Sullivan has had his first true, non gassy smile. It was precious and adorable and all that I'd ever dream it to be. Their is nothing like a smiling baby, in my book. I'll try to take better photos of him smiling at a later time.

Jeff is rubbing it in my face that he got the first smile out of Sullivan.

I miss you all Sullivan is growing up fast. You are great parents! I love seeing him smile. He's going to have a great sense of humor.
Love GrandMa Pope
What a cute smile Sullivan has! I can't believe how big his getting! Don't feel bad about your atttemp at pictures for a Christmas card. My kids didn't cooperate either.
Fun to see dad with his boy! Simply adorable pictures, even the 'Christmas card' photo! :)
Mr. Sullivan is a CUTIE! We appreciate you mentioning our newest addition. We're having a good time with her. We can't wait for you guys to meet her too! See you soon.
Jen... i am going through blog withdrawls... i need to snoop your life... where are you?!
What a sweet baby!! He looks like he fits in just perfectly! You would never guess that he was adopted. What a wonderful blessing you have!
How great of a blogger you are. I love Sullivans smile. What a cutie. You truley have a great family.
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